In the following listings, the first date, in parentheses, indicates initial appointment to the College; the second date indicates appointment to the latest rank.
Andelson, Jonathan G. (1974). Director of Center for Prairie Studies, 1999–; Rosenfield Professor of Social Science, 2006–; Professor of Anthropology, 1991–. B.A., Grinnell College; M.A., Ph.D., University of Michigan.
Andrews, Stephen R. (1999). Associate Professor of English, 2006–. B.A., M.A., Ph.D., University of Washington.
Anger, Jenny (1997). Professor of Art and Art History, 2015–. B.A., University of Southern California; M.A., Ph.D., Brown University.
Aparicio, Yvette (2000). Professor of Spanish, 2015–. B.A., Pomona College; M.A., Ph.D., University of California-Irvine.
Aresty, Abigail (2014). Mellon Post Doctoral Fellow and Lecturer in Music, 2014-. B.A., Eastman School of Music; M.M., University of Michigan; Ph.D., University of Washington.
Armstrong, Todd P. (1993). Professor of Russian, 2009–. B.A., University of Oregon; M.A., Ph.D., Ohio State University.
Arner, Timothy D. (2008). Associate Professor of English, 2014–. B.A., The American University; M.A., Ph.D., The Pennsylvania State University.
Arora, Poonam (2013). Professor of Humanities 2015-. B.A., St. Stephen’s College, Delhi, India; M.A. University of Delhi, India; Ph.D., SUNY-Binghamton.
Arseneault, David M. (1989). Associate Professor of Physical Education, 1997–. B.A., Colby College; M.Ed., Brock University (Canada).
Bakopoulos, Constantine (2011). Senior Lecturere and Writer in Residence, 2015-. Assistant Professor of English, 2011-2015. B.A., University of Michigan; M.F.A., University of Wisconsin, Madison.
Barber, Sigmund J. (1977). Professor of German, 1993–. B.A., M.A., Ph.D., State University of New York-Albany. Senior Faculty Status.
Barlow, George (1990). Associate Professor of American Studies and English, 1995–. B.A., California State University-Hayward; M.A., M.F.A., University of Iowa.
Bauder, Julia (2008). Associate Librarian of the College 2014-. Data Services Librarian, Assistant Professor, Library, 2008–. B.A., Simon’s Rock College; M.L.I.S., Wayne State University.
Benjamin, Shanna G. (2008). Associate Professor of English, 2014–. B.A., Smith University; M.A., Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Benoist, Maria Valérie (1998). Associate Professor of Spanish, 2004–. B.A., College of Charleston; Ph.D., Emory University.
Bentley-Condit, Vicki (1995). Professor of Anthropology, 2010–. B.A., University of Louisville; M.A., Ph.D., Emory University.
Blanchard, Jeffrey D. (2009). Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Statistics, 2009–. B.A., Benedictine College; A.M., Ph.D., Washington University-St. Louis.
Bonath, Gail J. (1977). Systems Librarian, Associate Professor, Library, 1992–. B.S., Iowa State University; M.A., University of Iowa. Senior Faculty Status.
Breen, Barbara J. (2014). Assistant Professor of Physics, 2014-. B.S., Georgia Institute of Technology; Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology.
Brottem, Leif (2014). Assistant Professor of Political Science, 2013-. B.A., Carleton College; M.S., Ph.D., University of Wisconsin.
Brouhle, Keith R. (2005). Associate Professor of Economics, 2011–. B.A., Grinnell College; M.S., Ph.D., University of Illinois–Urbana-Champaign.
Brown, Jennifer Williams (2005). Associate Professor of Music, 2010–. B.A., University of Illinois; M.A., Ph.D., Cornell University.
Brown, Jonathan (1995). Professor of Biology, 2008–. B.A., Carleton College; Ph.D., Michigan State University.
Byrd, Vance L. (2007). Associate Professor of German, 2015–. B.A., University of Georgia; M.A., Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania-Philadelphia.
Cadmus, Robert R. Jr. (1978). Breid-McFarland Professor of Science, 2006–; Professor of Physics, 1992–. B.A., Swarthmore College; M.A., Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison. Senior Faculty Status.
Campbell, David G. (1990). Henry R. Luce Professor of Nations and the Global Environment; Professor of Biology, 1990–. B.A., Kalamazoo College; M.S., University of Michigan; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University.
Caradec, Gwenola (2012). Assistant Professor of French, 2012–. M.A., University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin
Carl, Janet (1999). Director of the Writing Laboratory and Lecturer, 2013–. B.A., M.A., University of Iowa.
Case, William B. (1980). Professor of Physics, 1992–. B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Syracuse University. Senior Faculty Status.
Cha, Jee-Weon (2009). Associate Professor of Music, 2015–. B.M., Seoul National University (Korea); M.A., University of Washington; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania.
Chamberland, Marc (1997). Myra Steele Professor of Mathematics, 2010–. Professor of Mathematics and Statistics, 2009–. B.M., M.M., Ph.D., University of Waterloo (Canada).
Chan, Man-Ching Stella (2009). Assistant Professor of Economics, 2009–. B.A., University of California-Berkeley; M.A., Ph.D., University of California-Los Angeles.
Chasson, R. Timothy (1980). Professor of Art and Art History, 2007–. B.A., Washington University; M.A., University of Minnesota; M.A., Ph.D., University of California-Berkeley. Senior Faculty Status.
Chen, Jeremy (2014). Assistant Professor of Art and Art History, 2014. B.A., M.F.A., University fo Iowa.
Chen, Pei-Wen (2015). Assistant Professor of Biology; B.S., National Yang-Ming University; M.S., Ph.D., Albert Einstein College of Medicine.
Cima, Gibson (2015). Assistant Professor of Theatre & Dance; B.A., Georgetown University; M.A., The Ohio State University; Ph.D., University of Washington.
Christensen, Charlotte R. (2014). Assistant Professor of Physics, 2014-. B.A., Carleton College, Ph.D., University of Washington.
Cohn, Edward D. (2007). Associate Professor of History, 2015–. B.A., Swarthmore College; Ph.D., University of Chicago.
Cook, Scott (1996). Professor of Chinese and Japanese, 2009–. B.A., University of Southern California; M.M., M.A., Ph.D., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor.
Cook-Martín, David (2007). Director of the Center for International Studies, 2015-; Associate Professor of Sociology, 2012–. B.A., Wheaton College; M.A., University of Houston; Ph.D., University of California-Los Angeles.
Crim, Kevin L. (1975). Assistant in the Writing Laboratory and Lecturer, 1978–. B.A., College of William and Mary; M.A., University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Cui, Wenjin (2015). Assistant Professor of Chinese & Japanese; B.A., Renmin University of China; M.A., Peking University; Ph.D., New York University.
Cummins, Monessa (1985). Associate Professor of Classics, 2010–. B.A., Wichita State University; M.A., Ph.D., University of Cincinnati.
Cummins, W. Joseph (1984). Associate Professor of Classics and Philosophy, 1990–. B.A., Xavier University; M.A., Ph.D., Emory University; M.A., Ph.D., University of Cincinnati.
Cunningham, Charles E. (1993). Professor of Physics, 2006–. B.S., Harvey Mudd College; M.S., Ph.D., Stanford University.
Curtsinger, Charlie (2015). Instructor in Computer Science; B.S., University of Minnesota; M.S., Ph.D., University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
Delmenico, Lesley (2000). Associate Professor of Theatre and Dance, 2006–. B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Northwestern University.
DeRidder, Benjamin (2007). Associate Professor of Biology, 2014–. B.S., Calvin College; Ph.D., Purdue University.
Devine Eller, Audrey (2012). Assistant Professor of Sociology; 2012–. B.A., Seattle University; M.A., Ph.D., Rutgers University.
Dobe, Jennifer (2012). Senior Lecturer in Philosophy; 2012. B.A., University of New Hampshire; M.A., Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania.
Dobe, Timothy S. (2005). Associate Professor of Religious Studies, 2012–. B.A., University of New Hampshire; M.Div., Princeton Theological Seminary; Th.D., Harvard Divinity School.
Driscoll, Barry (2015). Instructor in Political Science; B.A., National University of Ireland Galway; MSc., London School of Economics; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, Madison.
Eckhart, Vince (1996). Waldo S. Walker Chair in Biology, 2015- ; Professor of Biology, 2012–. B.A., Pomona College; Ph.D., University of Utah.
Elfenbein, Caleb (2010). Assistant Professor of History and Religious Studies (EKI: Middle Eastern Studies and Islamic Religious Traditions), 2010–. B.A. Vassar College; M.T.S., Harvard University Divinity School; Ph.D., University of California-Santa Barbara.
Ellis, Ann E. (1994). Professor of Psychology, 2009–. B.S., Denison University; M.A., University of Toledo; Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
Engel, Kevin R. (1986). Science Librarian; Associate Professor, Library, 1996–. B.S., Iowa State University; M.A., University of Iowa.
Erickson, Karla A. (2004). Associate Dean of the College, 2015-; Professor of Sociology, 2015–. B.A., Illinois Wesleyan University; M.A., Hamline University; Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
Espinosa, Gabriel (2004). Lecturer in Music, 2004-. B.A., Central College; M.A., University of North Texas.
Fellers, Pamela (2014). Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Statistics, 2014-. B.S., Chadron State College; M.S., Ph.D., University of Nebraska.
Feng, Jin (2001). Orville and Mary Routt Professor of Literature 2015- ; Professor of Chinese and Japanese, 2012–. B.A., Fudan University (China); M.A., University of Illinois; Ph.D., University of Michigan.
Fennell, John (2002). Associate Professor of Philosophy, 2009–. B.A., M.A., University of Melbourne (Australia); Ph.D., Northwestern University.
Ferguson, Susan J. (1993). Professor of Sociology, 2009–. B.A., M.A., Colorado State University; Ph.D., University of Massachusetts-Amherst.
Ferguson, William D. (1989). Professor of Economics, 2005–. B.A., Grinnell College; M.A., Ph.D., University of Massachusetts-Amherst.
Freeman, Evelyn Oljans (1980). Assistant Professor of Physical Education, 1992–. B.A.P.E., York University (Canada); B.Ed., University of Toronto (Canada).
Freeman, William A. (1980). Associate Professor of Physical Education, 1990–. B.S.P.E., University of Florida; M.S.P.E., Indiana University.
French, Brigittine (2003). Associate Professor of Anthropology, 2011–. B.A., M.A., Ph.D., University of Iowa.
French, Christopher P. (2003). Professor of Mathematics and Statistics, 2015–. B.A., Williams College; M.A., Ph.D., University of Chicago.
Fyffe, Richard (2006). Samuel R. and Marie-Louise Rosenthal Librarian of the College, 2006–. B.A., M.A., University of Connecticut; M.S., Simmons College Graduate School of Library and Information Science.
Gadela, Manuel (2015). Heath Profesor in Physics, 2015-. B.S., University of Valladolid; Ph.D., University of Santander.
Gao, Qian (2015). Nanjing Instructor, 2015-. B.A., Huazhong University; M.A., Bejing Foreign Studies University.
Gaub, Eugene (1995). Associate Professor of Music, 2000–. B.Mus., M.Mus., The Juilliard School; D.M.A., Eastman School of Music.
Gaub, Nancy (1995). Lecturer in Music,, 1995-. B.Mus., Chicago Musical College; M.Mus., The Juilliard School.
Geller, Theresa L. (2008). Associate Professor of English (EKI: Film History and Theory), 2014–. B.A., University of California-Santa Cruz; M.A., University of Illinois-Urbana; Ph.D., Rutgers University.
Gibel Mevorach, Katya (1996). Professor of Anthropology, 2010–. B.A., M.A., Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Ph.D., Duke University.
Gibson, Janet M. (1989). Professor of Psychology, 2005–. B.A., Temple University; M.A., Ph.D., Rice University.
Graham, Andrew (2012). Assistant Professor of Chemistry, 2012–. B.A., Earlham College; M.S., Ph.D., The Johns Hopkins University.
Graham, Bradley (2006). Associate Professor of Economics, 2015–. B.S.E., J.D., University of Iowa; M.A., Ph.D., University of Colorado-Boulder.
Greene, Raquel (1998). Associate Professor of Russian, 2008–. B.A., University of Virginia; M.A., University of Arizona; Ph.D, Ohio State University.
Gregg-Jolly, Leslie (1993). Professor of Biology, 2008–. B.A., Vassar College; M.S., M.Ph., Ph.D., Yale University.
Grey, Robert D. (1968). Professor of Political Science, 1985–. B.A., Wesleyan University; M.A., Ph.D., Yale University. Senior Faculty Status.
Gross, Janice B. (1977). Seth Richards Professor of Modern Languages, 2000–; Professor of French, 1994–. B.A., Ph.D., University of Michigan; M.A., Ohio State University. Senior Faculty Status.
Gueneli, Berna (2012). Assistant Professor of German, 2012–. M.A., Texas Tech University; Ph.D., University of Texas.
Guenther, Michael (2011). Assistant Professor of History, B.A., University of Virginia; Ph.D., Northwestern University.
Haenfler, Ross (2015). Assistant Professor of Sociology; B.A., University of South Dakota; Ph.D., University of Colorado.
Hamilton, Andrew (1987). Associate Professor of Physical Education, 2005–. B.A., Grinnell College; M.S.S, United States Sports Academy.
Hansen, Cynthia (2011). Assistant Professor of Anthropology/Linguistics; B.A., Dartmouth; M.A., Ph.D., University of Texas, Austin.
Harrison, David (1999). Professor of French, 2012–; Director of the Center for International Studies, 2007–2015. B.A., Swarthmore College; M.A., Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Hasegawa, Keisuke (2015). Assistant Professor of Physics; B.A., Reed College; Ph.D. University of Oregon.
Hastings, Alan (2015). Instructor in Education; B.A., Ph.D., Michigan State University.
Henry, Astrid (2008). Professor of English (Gender and Women’s Studies), 2015–. B.A., Sarah Lawrence College; M.A., New School for Social Research; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
Hernandez, Heriberto (2008). Assistant Professor of Chemistry, 2009–. B.S., M.A., University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez; Ph.D., Purdue University.
Herold, Kelly (1998). Associate Professor of Russian, 2004–. B.A, University of California-Berkeley; M.A., Ph.D., University of California-Los Angeles.
Hess, Douglas (2013).Assistant Professor of Political Science, 2013-. B.A., Grinnell College; M.A., Johns Hopkins University; Ph.D., George Washington University.
Hilton, Charles E. (2014). Assistant Professor of Anthropology, 2014-. B.A., University of Oklahoma; M.S., Ph.D., University of New Mexico; MPH, University of Michigan.
Hinsa-Leasure, Shannon M. (2007). Associate Professor of Biology, 2014–. B.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison; Ph.D., Dartmouth Medical School.
Hollibaugh, Timothy J. (1994). Associate Professor of Physical Education, 2002–. B.A., Hanover College; M.S., Indiana State University.
Holmes-Tagchungdarpa, Amy (2014). Assistant Professor of Religious Studies, 2014-. B.A., Victoria University of Wellington; Ph.D., Australian National University.
Hughes, Dennis D. (1987). Associate Professor of Classics, 1995–. B.A., Georgetown University; Ph.D., Ohio State University.
Hunter, Christopher H. (1976). Professor of Sociology, 1993–. B.A., Brown University; M.A., Ph.D., Princeton University. Senior Faculty Status.
Hurley, Erin (1995). Associate Professor of Physical Education, 2003–. B.S., University of Nebraska-Lincoln; M.A., University of Iowa.
Hurley, Kathleen (2004). Lecturer in Theatre and Dance, 2004-. B.A., University of Iowa.
Hutchison, Paul (2007). Associate Professor of Education, 2013–. B.A., Cornell College; M.S., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; Ph.D., University of Maryland.
Inglis, Patrick (2014). Assistant Professor of Sociology, 2013-. B.A., McGill University; M.A., University of British Columbia; Ph.D., CUNY Graduate Center.
Ireland, Susan (1989). Orville and Mary Patterson Routt Professor of Literature, 2008–. Professor of French, 2003–. B.A., University of Bristol (England); M.A., Ph.D., University of Colorado-Boulder.
Jacobson, Carolyn (2009). Assistant Professor of English, 2015-. B.A., University of Iowa; M.A., Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania.
Jacobson, Kathryn (1997). Associate Professor of Biology, 2003–. B.A., Washington University; M.S., Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.
Jacobson, Peter (1998). Associate Professor of Biology, 2005–. B.A, Washington University; M.S., Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.
Jakubiak, Cora (2011). Assistant Professor of Education, 2013-. B.A., University of Michigan; M.A., Eastern Michigan University; Ph.D., University of Georgia, Athens.
Jaworski, Brian J. (2004). Associate Professor of Physical Education, 2011–. B.A., DePauw University; M.Ed., Indiana State University.
Johnson, Lakesia D. (2008). Associate Dean of the College for Diversity and Inclusion 2015-; Chief Diversity Officer, 2015-. Associate Professor of English (Gender and Women’s Studies), 2014–. A.B., Smith College; J.D./ M.A., Ph.D., The Ohio State University-Columbus.
Johnson, Matthew D. (2010). Assistant Professor of History, 2010–. B.A., Harvard College; M.Phil., Ph.D., University of California, San Diego.
Jones, Christopher R. (2014). Special Collections Librarian and Archivist of the College; Assistant Professor, Library, 2014–. B.A., University of Northern Iowa; M.A., University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois; Graduate Certificate in Book Studies, University of Iowa.
Jones, George W. (1974–75; 1978). Adjunct Professor of Political Science. B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Oxford University (England).
Jones, Phillip (2004). Reader Services Librarian; Associate Professor, Library, 2010–. B.A., Purdue University and Adams State College; M.A., University of Kentucky; M.L.S., University of Arizona.
Jonkman, Jeffrey N. (2009). Associate Professor of Mathematics and Statistics, 2009–. B.A., Calvin College; M.Ap.St., Louisiana State University; Ph.D., North Carolina State University.
Kamp, Kathryn A. (1982). Earl D. Strong Professor of Social Studies, 2010–; Professor of Anthropology, 1997–. B.A., Carleton College; M.A., University of Oregon; M.A., Ph.D., University of Arizona.
Kapila, Shuchi (2002). Director of the Center for the Humanities, 2011–. Professor of English, 2013–. B.A., M.A., M.Phil, University of Delhi (India); Ph.D., Cornell University.
Kaufman, Andrew (2008). Associate Professor of Art and Art History, 2014–. B.A., M.F.A., University of South Florida.
Kelty-Stephen, Damian (2013). Assistant Professor of Psychology, 2013-. B.S., College of William & Mary; Ph.D., University of Connecticut.
Kelty-Stephen, Emma (2013). Assistant Professor of Psychology, 2013-. B.A., Grinnell College; M.A., Ph.D., University of Connecticut.
Kempton, Eliza (2012). Assistant Professor of Physics, 2012–. B.A., Middlebury College; M.A., Ph.D., Harvard University.
Ketter, Jean Smiley (1994). Professor of Education, 2008–. B.A., University of Northern Colorado; M.A., Ph.D., University of Kansas.
Kington, Raynard S. M.D., PhD. (2010). President of the College; Professor of Economics, 2010–. B.S., M.D., University of Michigan; M.B.A., Ph.D., The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania.
Kluber, Matthew (2003). Associate Professor of Art and Art History, 2009–. B.A., Iowa State University; B.F.A., Rhode Island School of Design; M.A., M.F.A., University of Iowa.
Knight, R. Cecilia (1993). Catalog Librarian; Associate Professor, 1995–; Associate Librarian of the College, 2010–2014. B.A., Blackburn College; M.L.S., Rosary College.
Kosnick, Kristina (2014). CFD Fellow, 2015-; Instructor in French, 2014-2015. B.A., B.S., Michigan State University; M.A., Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Kuiper, Shonda R. (2003). Professor of Mathematics and Statistics, 2015–. B.A., Wartburg College; M.A., Ph.D., Iowa State University.
Kulstad Gonzalez, Tess M. (2014). Assistant Professor of Anthropology, 2014-. B.A., Institution Tecnol gico de Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic; M.A., University of Florida, Gainesville; Ph.D. University of Florida, Gainsville.
Kuwabara, Nodoka (2014). Waseda Visiting Instructor in Japanese, 2014-. Niigata University; M.A., Waseda University.
Lacson, Paul Albert (2007). Associate Professor of History, 2015–. B.A., University of California-Irvine; Ph.D., University of California-Davis.
Latham, Michael (2014). Vice-President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the College, 2014-; Professor of History, 2014-. B.A., Pomona College; M.A., Ph.D., University of California at Los Angeles.
Laver, Mark (2014). Assistant Professor of Music, 2014-. B.Mus., M.A., Ph.D., University of Toronto.
Lee, James (2012). Assistant Professor of English, 2012–. B.A., Cornel University; Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley.
Lee, Logan (2015). Instructor in Economics; B.A., Government and International Affairs; M.S., Ph.D., University of Oregon.
Leggans Eric (2014). Assistant Professor of Chemistry, 2012-. B.A. Grinnell College; Ph.D., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.
Levandoski, Mark M. (1999). Associate Professor of Chemistry, 2005–. B.S., University of Chicago; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Lewis, Carolyn (2013). Assistant Professor of History, 2013-. B.A., M.A., Ohio University; Ph.D., University of California.
Li, Zhangbin (2015). Nanjing Research Scholar, 2015-. B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Nanjing University.
Lindgren, Clark A. (1992). Professor of Biology, 2006–. B.S., Wheaton College; M.S., Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Lobban-Viravong, Heather (2000). Associate Dean of the College, 2011–; Associate Professor of English, 2009–. B.A., St. John Fisher College; M.A., Ph.D., State University of New York-Buffalo.
Lopatto, David E. (1981). Director of Center for Teaching Learning and Assessment, 2014-; Samuel R. and Marie-Louise Rosenthal Professor of Natural Science and Mathematics, 2008 –; Professor of Psychology, 1996–; Interim Dean of the College 2013-2014. B.A., Kenyon College; M.S., Ph.D., Ohio University.
Lowther, Priscilla (1990). Lecturer in Physical Education, 2005–. B.S., University of Iowa; M.S., University of Oregon.
Lussier, Danielle (2011). Assistant Professor of Political Science, 2011. B.A., Wesleyan University; Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley.
Lutch, Mitchell (2010). Lecturer in Music, 2010. MusB., University of Lowell; M.M., New England Conservatory of Music; D.M.A., University of Washington.
Lyon, J. Vanessa (2012). Assistant Professor of Art and Art History, 2012–. B.A., Lake Forest College; M.A., Iliff School of Theology, University of Denver; Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley.
Lyons, Leslie J. (1989). Professor of Chemistry, 2005–. B.A., Colgate University; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Macdonald, Geoffrey (2015). Lecturer in Political Science, 2015-. B.A., Boston University; M.A., Ph.D., University of Denver.
Mahlab, Minna (1996). Director of the Science Learning Center; Lecturer, 1999–. B.A., Bryn Mawr College; M.S., University of California-San Diego.
Mangano, Bryan (2015). Assistant Professor of English; B.A., Massachusetts College; M.A., Boston College; Ph.D., University of Iowa.
Marzluff, Elaine (1997). Professor of Chemistry, 2012–. B.A., Harvard University; Ph.D., California Institute of Technology.
Maynard, Kelly J. (2009). Assistant Professor of History, 2009–. B.M., University of Rochester; M.A., Ph.D., University of California-Los Angeles.
McIntyre, Eric (2003). Professor of Music, 2015–. B.Mus., M.Mus., Indiana University; D.Mus., University of Houston.
Mease, C. Ellen (1977). Associate Professor of Theatre and Dance, 1985–. B.A., Vassar College; M.A., University of Virginia; Ph.D., Stanford University.
Meehan, M. Johanna (1990). Professor of Philosophy, 2006–. B.A., Brandeis University; M.A., Ph.D., Boston University.
Mercado, Angelo O. (2010). Assistant Professor of Classics, 2010–. B.A., Loyola Marymount University; M.A., Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles.
Michaels, Deborah L. (2009). Associate Professor of Education, 2015–. B.S., Cornell University; M.A., Ph.D., University of Michigan.
Michaels, Jennifer Tonks (1975). Samuel R. and Marie-Louise Rosenthal Professor of Humanities, 1996–; Professor of German, 1987–. M.A., University of Edinburgh (Scotland); M.A., Ph.D., McGill University (Canada). Senior Faculty Status.
Mileti, Joseph R. (2009). Associate Professor of Mathematics and Statistics, 2015–. B.S., Carnegie Mellon University; Ph.D., University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign.
Miller, Celeste (2011). Assistant Professor of Theater and Dance, 2011–. M.F.A., Hollins University
Minelli, Martin R. (1985). Professor of Chemistry, 2003–. M.S., Ph.D., University of Konstanz (Germany).
Mobley, T. Andrew (1999). Associate Professor of Chemistry, 2006–. B.A., Carleton College; Ph.D., University of California-Berkeley.
Mohan, Joan H. (1982). Director of the Reading Laboratory and Lecturer, 1982–. B.A., Trinity College; M.A.T., Johns Hopkins University.
Moisan, Claire H. (1998). Senior Lecturer in French, 2013-; Director of the Alternate Language Study Option, 2011–. B.A., University of Vermont; M.A., Washington University.
Moisan, Philippe (1997). Associate Professor of French, 2004–. B.A., Université de Caen (France); M.A., Ph.D., Washington University.
Montgomery, Mark (1989). Professor of Economics, 2001-; Donald Wilson Professor of Enterprise and Leadership, 2008 – 2014. B.A., Montclair State College; M.A., University of Delaware; M.S., Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Moyer, H. Wayne Jr. (1972). Rosenfield Professor, 1985–; Professor of Political Science, 1986–. B.A., University of Virginia; M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., Yale University.
Munyon, Paul G. (1982). Associate Professor of Economics, 1986–. B.A., Westmar College; M.A., Ph.D., Harvard University. Senior Faculty Status.
Mutti, John H. (1987). Sidney Meyer Professor of International Economics, 1987–. B.A., Earlham College; M.A., Ph.D., University of Wisconsin. Senior Faculty Status.
Nabar-Bhaduri, Suranjana (2015). Assistant Professor of Economics; B.A., M.A., University of Mumbai; Ph.D., University of Utah.
Neisser, Joseph R. (2003–06, 2009). Associate Professor of Philosophy (EKI: Neurophilosophy), 2015–. B.A., Macalester College; Ph.D., Duke University.
Norris, Sue (2013) Director Mathematics Laboratory, 2013-. B.A., Washington State University; M.A., University of Idaho.
Nyden, Tammy (2005). Associate Professor of Philosophy, 2010–. B.A., University of Nevada-Las Vegas; M.A., Baylor University; Ph.D., Claremont Graduate University.
Oberlin, Kathleen C. (2014). Assistant Professor of Sociology, 2014-. B.A., M.A., DePaul University; Ph.D., Indiana University.
Ohrn, Eric (2014). Assistant Professor of Economics, 2014-. B.A., Grinnell College; M.A., Ph.D., University of Michigan.
Olsen, Christopher R. (2010). Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Statistics, 2015-. Lecturer in Mathematics and Statistics, 2010–2015. B.A., Iowa State University; M.A., Ph.D., University of Iowa.
Ortiz, Corasi (2013). Lecturer in Chemistry, 2013-. B.S., University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez; Ph.D., Purdue University.
Ortiz, Marcos (2015). Instructor in Mathematics and Statistics; B.A., University of North Carolina; B.S., University of New York, Buffalo; M.S., Ph.D., University of Iowa.
Osera, Peter-Michael (2015). Instructor in Computer Science; B.A., B.S., University of Washington; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania.
Paulhus, Jennifer (2011). Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Statistics, 2011–. B.A., College of the Holy Cross; Ph.D., University of Illinois, Urbana- Champaign.
Pedersen, Jeff (2013). Assistant Professor of Physical Education, 2013-. B.A., Grinnell College; M.S.S., United States Sports Academy.
Perez, Mirzam C. (2009). Associate Professor of Spanish, 2015–. B.A., Augustana College; M.A., Ph.D., Tulane University.
Perman, Anthony (2012). Assistant Professor of Music, 2012–. B.A., Kenyon College; Ph.D., University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.
Phan, Hai-Dang (2012). Assistant Professor of English, 2012–. B.A., Grinnell College; M.A., Ph.D., University of Wisconsin; M.F.A., University of Florida.
Phillips, Nick (2015). Assistant Professor of Spanish; B.A., Wake Forest University; M.A., Ph.D., Indiana University, Bloomington.
Pistis, Eleonora (2015). Assistant Professor of Art & Art History; B.A., M.A., Ph.D., University IUAV of Venice, Italy.
Pollinitz, Aysha (2013). Assistant Professor of History, 2013-. B.A., University of Sydney; M.Phil, Ph.D., University of Cambridge.
Powell, Irene (1989). Professor of Economics, 2015–. B.A., University of Delaware; M.S., Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison. Senior Faculty Status.
Praitis, Vida (2001). Professor of Biology, 2015–. B.A., Swarthmore College; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Prevost, Elizabeth E. (2004). Associate Professor of History, 2010–. B.A., Trinity College; M.A., Ph.D., Northwestern University.
Purcell, Sarah J. (2000). Director of the Rosenfield Public Affairs Program, 2008–; Professor of History, 2013–. B.A., Grinnell College; A.M., Ph.D., Brown University.
Queathem, Elizabeth (1996). Senior Lecturer in Biology, 2011–. B.A., Reed College; Ph.D., University of Utah.
Quintero, Craig (2008). Associate Professor of Theatre and Dance, 2014–. B.A., Tufts University; M.A., Ph.D., Northwestern University.
Ralston, Christopher A. (2009). Associate Professor of Psychology, 2015–. B.A., Jamestown College; M.S., Ph.D., Iowa State University.
Ramey, Joshua (2014). Assistant Professor of Philosophy, 2014-. B.A., Seattle Pacific University; Ph.D., Villanova University.
Rebelsky, Samuel (1997). Professor of Computer Science, 2009–. S.B., S.M., Ph.D., University of Chicago.
Rempel-Clower, Nancy (1999). Associate Professor of Psychology, 2008–. B.A., Bethel College; Ph.D., University of California-San Diego.
Reynolds, Daniel Patrick (1998). Associate Professor of German, 2004–. B.S., Georgetown University; Ph.D., Harvard University.
Ridgway, Benjamin B. (2014). Assistant Professor of Chinese, 2014-. B.A., Grinnell College; M.A., University of Minnesota; Ph.D., University of Michigan.
Rietz, Henry W.M. (1998). Professor of Religious Studies, 2015–. B.A., Grinnell College; M.Div., Ph.D., Princeton Theological Seminary.
Roberts, Tyler (1997). Professor of Religious Studies, 2008–. B.A., Brown University; M.T.S., Th.D., Harvard University.
Rod, Catherine M. (1987). Special Collections Librarian and Archivist of the College; Associate Professor, Library, 1991–. B.A., Augustana College; M.A., University of Iowa; M.A., Iowa State University. Senior Faculty Status.
Rommereim, John Christian (1988). Professor of Music, 2006–. B.A., St. Olaf College; M.Mus., San Francisco Conservatory of Music; D.M.A., University of Kansas.
Roper, J. Montgomery (2000). Director of the Wilson Program, 2015-; Associate Professor of Anthropology, 2006–. B.A., Ithaca College; M.A., University of Kentucky; Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh.
Running, Lee Emma (2005). Associate Professor of Art and Art History, 2011–. B.F.A., Pratt Institute; M.A., M.F.A., University of Iowa.
Russell, Kirsten (2014). Assistant Professor of Physical Education, 2014-. B.A., Luther College; M.A., Washington College.
Saito, Kumiko (2015). Assistant Professor or Chinese & Japanese; B.A., M.A., Rikkyo University, Tokyo; Ph.D., The Pennsylvania State University.
Samper Vendrell, Javier (2014). Assistant Professor of German, 2015-; Lecturer in History, 2014-2015. B.A., University of Iowa; M.A., Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Sanders, Sara (2014). Senior Lecturer in English (Gender Women and Sexuality Studies), 2015-. B.A., Kansas State University; M.Phil, Ph.D., University of California.
Sandquist, Joshua (2012). Assistant Professor in Biology, 2012–. B.S., Drake University; Ph.D., Duke University.
Sala, Gemma (2008). Assistant Professor in Political Science, 2008–. B.A., M.P.S., Universitat de Barcelona (Spain); M.A., M. Phil., Ph.D., Yale University.
Savarese, Ralph J. (2001). Professor of English, 2013–. B.A., Wesleyan University; M.F.A., Ph.D., University of Florida.
Schimmel, Mariko Shigeta (2007). Associate Professor of Chinese and Japanese, 2014–. B.A., M.A., Keio University (Japan); Ph.D., Yale University.
Schneider, Mark B. (1987). Professor of Physics, 2007–; Associate Dean of the College, 2011–2015. B.A., Carleton College; M.A., Ph.D., Princeton University.
Schrift, Alan D. (1987). F. Wendell Miller Professor of Philosophy, 2006–; Professor of Philosophy, 1998–. B.A., Brown University; M.A., Ph.D., Purdue University. Senior Faculty Status.
Schrift, Jill (2008). Lecturer in Art and Art History, 2008-; B.A., M.A., Purdue University; M.S. State University of New York.
Scott, Kesho (1986). Associate Professor of American Studies and Sociology, 1991–. B.A., Wayne State University; M.A., University of Detroit; Ph.D., University of Iowa.
Seawell, Asani (2006). Associate Professor of Psychology, 2013–. B.A., Seton Hall University; M.S., Ph.D., State University of New York-Albany.
Seiz, Janet A. (1989). Associate Professor of Economics, 1994–. B.A., Ph.D., Duke University. Senior Faculty Status.
Sharpe, Lee R. (1989). Associate Professor of Chemistry, 1995–. B.A., Ripon College; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Shields-Cutler, Robin (2015). Instructor in Biology; B.A., Grinnell College; Ph.D., Washington University School of Medicine.
Shorb, Deanna (1996). College Chaplain; Lecturer, 1996–. B.A., West Chester University; M.Div., Yale Divinity School.
Shuman, Karen L. (2003). Professor of Mathematics and Statistics, 2015–. B.A., Agnes Scott College; A.M., Ph.D., Dartmouth College.
Sieck, Stephen (2006). Associate Professor of Chemistry, 2013–. B.S., Loras College; Ph.D., University of Kansas.
Silva, José Pablo (1998). Associate Professor of History, 2006–. A.B., Harvard College; M.A., Ph.D., University of Chicago.
Simpson, Erik C. (2001). Professor of English, 2013–. B.A., University of Virginia; M.A., Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania.
Sinnett, Laura M. (1990). Associate Professor of Psychology, 1996–. B.A., Webster University; M.S., Ph.D., Purdue University.
Sinykin, Dan (2015). Assistant Professor of English; B.A., St. Olaf College; M.A., Ph.D., Cornell University.
Smith, Paula V. (1987). Professor of English, 2004-. Vice-President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the College, 2008–2013. B.A., Swarthmore College; M.A., M.F.A, Ph.D., Cornell University.
Smith, Sara (2015). Lecturer in Library, 2015-. B.A., Manchester College; MLS., Indiana University, Bloomington.
Stone, Barbara Anne (2012). Lecturer in Spanish, 2012-. B.A., University of Chicago; M.A., Ph.D., University of Texas.
Strauber, Susan E. W. (1980). Professor of Art and Art History, 2010–. B.A., Pembroke College, Brown University; M.A., Ph.D., Brown University. Senior Faculty Status.
Sullivan, Charles H. (1986). Professor of Biology, 2002–. B.A., University of Maine; M.S., Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park. Senior Faculty Status.
Swartz, James E. (1980). Dack Professor of Chemistry, 2008 –; Professor of Chemistry, 1993–. Vice-President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the College, 1998-2008; Interim Associate Vice President of Analytical Support and Institutional Research, 2011–2013; B.S., Stanislaus State College; Ph.D., University of California-Santa Cruz.
Tapias, Maria (2001). Associate Dean of the College, 2012–; Professor of Anthropology, 2015–. B.A., Sarah Lawrence College; M.A., Ph.D., University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign.
Thomas, Justin (2007). Associate Professor of Theatre and Dance, 2013–. B.A., Kalamazoo College; M.F.A., University of Maryland-College Park.
Tjossem, Paul J.H. (1989). Associate Professor of Physics, 1998–. B.A., Swarthmore College; Ph.D., Cornell University.
Tracy, Andrea L. (2009). Associate Professor of Psychology (Neuroscience), 2015–. B.A., Grinnell College; M.S., Ph.D., Purdue University.
Trimmer, Elizabeth (2000). Associate Professor of Chemistry, 2006–. B.A., Carleton College; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Trish, Barbara (1990). Professor of Political Science, 2014–. B.A., The College of St. Thomas; Ph.D., Ohio State University.
Valentín, Carmen (2001). Associate Professor of Spanish, 2007–. B.A., M.A., Ph.D., University of Valladolid (Spain).
Velazquez-Zvierkova, Valentina (2015). Assistant Professor of Spanish; B.A., California State University; M.A., Ph.D., University of California, Davis.
Vetter, Roger (1986). Professor of Music, 2008–. B.Ed., M.A., University of Hawaii; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin. Senior Faculty Status.
Vishevsky, Anatoly (1994). Professor of Russian, 2005–. M.A., University of Chernovtsy (Russia); M.A., Ph.D., University of Kansas. Senior Faculty Status.
Walker, Henry M. (1974). Samuel R. and Marie-Louise Rosenthal Professor of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, 2000–; Professor of Computer Science, 1987–. B.A., Williams College; M.S., University of Iowa; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Wallace, Gregory A. (1988). Director of Athletics, 2007–; Associate Professor of Physical Education, 1995–. B.S., Missouri Valley College; M.S., Central Missouri State University.
Weinman, Jerod J. (2008). Associate Professor of Computer Science, 2015–. B.S., Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; M.S., Ph.D., University of Massachusetts-Amherst.
Whittaker, John C. (1984). Professor of Anthropology, 2001–. B.A., Cornell University; M.A., Ph.D., University of Arizona.
Wickramasekara, Sujeev (2005). Professor of Physics, 2015–. B.S., University of Southern California; Ph.D., University of Texas-Austin.
Willig-Onwuachi, Jacob (2006). Associate Professor of Physics, 2012–. B.A., Grinnell College; M.S., University of Iowa; Ph.D., Case Western Reserve University.
Willis, Eliza J. (1991). Professor of Political Science, 2005–. B.S., Georgetown University; Ph.D., University of Texas-Austin. Senior Faculty Status.
Wohlwend, Helyn (2004). Assistant in the Writing Lab; Lecturer, 2004–. B.A., Westmar College.
Wolf, A. Royce (1986). Associate Professor of Mathematics and Statistics, 1992–. B.A., California State University-Northridge; M.A., Ph.D., University of California-Berkeley.
Wolz, Ursula (2015). Visiting Noyce Professor in Computer Science, 2015-. B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology; M.A., M.S., Ph.D., Columbia University.
Wright, Leslie (1999). Director of Faulconer Gallery, 1999–. Lecturer in Art and Art History, 2004–. B.A., Swarthmore College; M.A., Ph.D., Stanford University.
Yoose, Becky (2011). Assistant Professor of Library, 2011–. B.A., M.A., University of Wisconsin, Madison.
Youssef, Mervat (2008). Associate Professor of French (Arabic Language), 2008–. B.S., Helwan University (Egypt); M.S., South Dakota State University; Ph.D., University of Iowa.
Zeiss, David (1987). Director of Recreational Services, 1989–; Assistant Professor of Physical Education, 2000–. B.A., Lawrence University; M.A., University of Iowa.
Zurowski, Brian (2015). Instructor in Economics; B.S., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; M.S., University of Rhode Island; M.A., Ph.D., University of Minnesota.