Mar 30, 2025  
2014-2015 Academic Catalog 
2014-2015 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

REL 104 - Studying Religion: India

4 credits (Fall or Spring)
This course introduces Religious Studies through Indian traditions, especially Hinduism and Buddhism. Together we will learn each religion’s basics so that we can ask bigger questions about self, society, and religion as such. That is, we want to know: what do religions teach us about religion itself and its role in society, history and individual lives? We will find answers by examining case studies such as Tibetan monks, Gandhi’s religious politics, Muslim healers, and American yoga. The course argues that studying religion is fundamental to becoming an educated, world citizen for the twenty-first century.

Prerequisite: First or second-year standing.
Note: Not offered every year.
Instructor: Dobe