Mar 21, 2025
2014-2015 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
SST 295-06 - Special Topic: Interdisciplinary Publishing II: Enacting the Vision for a Prairie Studies Journal4 credits (Spring) Cross-listed as: HUM 295-03 . The second semester in a two-semester sequence that will train students as entrepreneurs and publishers by involving them in creating an interdisciplinary multimedia on-line journal dedicated to a critical examination of natural and cultural aspects of the prairie/Midwest region of North America. Students will join instructors and Grinnell alumni from the publishing and on-line worlds to implement the plans developed by students in the first semester (Fall 2014) - identifying members of an editorial board, reviewing content submissions, editing those selected for publication, solidifying plans for sustaining the publication, finalizing the design of the journal’s on-line template, and ultimately producing the journal’s first issue. No prior experience in publishing is required, and you need not have taken the first semester of the course to take the second.
Prerequisite: Second-year standing. Instructor: Andelson, Baechtel