Jul 27, 2024  
2018-2019 Academic Catalog 
2018-2019 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

THD 303-01 - Studies in Drama I: Shakespeare’s Comedies and Romances

4 credits (Spring)
Cross-listed as: GLS 303-01 . Study of Twelfth Night and selected comedies (MND, AYLI), so-called dark comedies (Measure for Measure, All’s Well) and late romances (including The Tempest) with reference to their sources in literature and folklore, intellectual backgrounds, cultural contexts, critical history, and ongoing life in landmark productions, including modern film performances. The seminar will pay close attention to dramatic structure and Shakespeare’s innovative experiments with genre, character, and language. Resources, both practical and critical, will include Granville-Barker, Northrop Frye (A Natural Perspective), Arden and critical editions, major scholarship on the plays. Our performance research seminar will complement the March Mainstage production of Twelfth Night. Seminar members are invited (not required) to participate in the production as actors, ADs, rehearsal assistants (scene study and scansion), management or crew.

Prerequisite: HUM 101 HUM 102 HUM 140 ENG 121 SST 140 , or  200-level course in Humanities or Social Studies disciplines.
Note: Plus-2 option available
Instructor: Mease