Feb 19, 2025
2021 - 2022 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
MUS 420 - Performance: Recital2 credits (Fall or Spring) An advanced and intensive study of music literature through private tutorial instruction in a single area of instrumental or vocal music. The study of performance related to advanced studies in criticism, history, analysis, and style. Weekly 60-minute lessons totaling 14 hours of instruction per semester. Practice expectation: minimum of 60 minutes per day. Performance requirement: a full recital. May be repeated once for credit.
Prerequisite: Third-year or senior standing, MUS 220 or MUS 221 in the semester prior to registration, instructor’s consent, and signature of department chair. Note: Credits earned for music lessons are NOTE counted in the number of credits that determine whether a student is liable for an “overload” (over 18 credits). For music lesson fees, see Financial Regulations. A maximum of 16 credits in Music 120, 122, 220, 221, 320, and 420 will count toward graduation. Credits in Music 101, 120, 122, 220, 221, 320, and 420 may not exceed a total of six in any one semester. Students should note that Music 101, 120, 122, 220, 221, 320, and 420 are included in the 48-credit maximum in the department. Instructor: Staff