Feb 19, 2025
2021 - 2022 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
SPN 312 - Women and Gender in Spanish Literature4 credits (Fall) This course introduces students to the works of prominent Spanish women writers from the 17th to the 21st century. While we will focus primarily on short stories, drama, and poetry, we will also consider films by women directors. Our readings will provide a representative sample of how women have developed as writers and individuals in Spain and how they have crafted gender issues into their writing. Conducted in Spanish. Students cannot take this course after taking a seminar course in literature (SPN 377 , SPN 379 , SPN 383 , SPN 385 , SPN 386 , or SPN 395 on literature).
Prerequisite: SPN 285 . Note: Plus-2 option available. Not offered every year. Instructor: Pérez