Feb 19, 2025  
2021 - 2022 Academic Catalog 
2021 - 2022 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

CLS 270 - Indo-European Language and Culture

4 credits (Fall or Spring)
Cross-listed as: LIN 270 . Many ancient and modern languages, including Greek, English, German, Latin, French, Spanish, and Russian, are “sisters” in a language “family” called Indo-European. Although no documents written in their “mother” tongue survive, linguists can reconstruct many aspects of Proto-Indo-European by working backwards from the “daughter” languages. This course explores the development of systems of sound and word/phrase structure that allow us to reconstruct a completely extinct language, as well as aspects of its speakers’ culture.

Prerequisite: Second year standing. Recommended: at least one from GRE 101 , LAT 103 , ENG 230 , FRN 221 , GRM 221 , RUS 221 , SPN 217 , ANT 260 , LIN 114 .
Note: Not offered every year.
Instructor: Mercado