Feb 18, 2025  
2021 - 2022 Academic Catalog 
2021 - 2022 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

BIO 220 - Racing Through Genetics

4 credits (Spring)
Cross-listed as: AMS 220  and ANT 220 . An interdisciplinary study of the role that science has played in the construction of race and ways that society uses such racial classifications. Historic cases including eugenics movement in the early 1990s and application of modern genetic technology will be explored. Students will consider genetic determinism in light of what is known about biology and historicize concepts based in science including the meanings they acquired when invoked to support judicial, political and social politics.

Prerequisite: BIO 150  and one upper level AMS, ANT, SOC, or GWSS course. (In the event of over enrollment, priority will be given to students who have completed BIO 251 )
Note: Plus-2 option available. Not offered every year.
Instructor: Gibel Mevorach, Gregg-Jolly