Feb 19, 2025
2021 - 2022 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
ENG 195-01 - Introductory Special Topic: Beginning Fiction Workshop2 credits (Spring) In this beginning fiction workshop, we’ll put our stories under a microscope and examine them piece by piece. We’ll break down the anatomy of our narratives to look at their basic mechanics (plot, dialogue, sentence-level writing, etc.) and also closely examine the more ethereal elements that bring a story to life interiority and empathy, first and foremost). We’ll read some published works but focus primarily on our own, honing our skills as both writers and editors. Workshop submissions should be freestanding short stories only (no novel excerpts, please–though all of the concepts we discuss will apply to novel-length projects as well!).
Prerequisite: ENG 120 . Note: Meets April 8 to May 13. Half-semester deadline apply. Instructor: Lombardo