Requirements for Graduation
The requirements for graduation and the most important academic regulations are contained in this section. More information on academic policies and procedures can be found in the Student Handbook online.
All entering first-year students are required to take the tutorial. Students select a tutorial from the list of those to be offered each year (see Tutorials ). The tutorial is graded on an “A” through “F” basis, with no S/D/F option (a designated replacement course for the tutorial also has no S/D/F option).
A student must complete the tutorial with a grade of “C” or higher to meet the tutorial graduation requirement and to be eligible to enroll in a “Plus-2” or independent work (297, 299, 387, 397, 399, and 499). Any student earning a grade of “D” or “F” in the tutorial will be reviewed by the Committee on Academic Standing and will minimally receive a warning.
A student earning a grade of “D” or “F” in the tutorial will be required to complete an appropriate course determined by the associate dean of the College and the dean of student academic support and advising in order to fulfill the tutorial requirement. This course must be completed with a grade of “C” or higher during his or her next semester at Grinnell. After the successful completion of this course, the student will be eligible for a “Plus-2” or independent study project.
The previous work of transfer students is evaluated for possible exemption from this requirement; third-year transfers are automatically exempted.
The Major Field
Satisfactory completion of a major field is required. Most departmental programs require a minimum of 32 credits, but may include more. At the department’s discretion, up to 8 credits from related fields (cognates) may be counted toward the major. The requirements for each major program are listed in the Courses of Study section of this catalog.
In the case of a double major, no credits are allowed to be shared with the other major. When a concentration and a major are related, up to 8 credits of work included in a student’s major may also be counted toward the interdisciplinary concentration. Academic departments normally expect that the majority of courses constituting the major, and all required courses, will be completed at Grinnell. A course in the student’s major field cannot be elected for grading on the “S/D/F” basis. Any course elected for such grading before the student’s declaration of a major or interdisciplinary concentration does not count toward the minimum credit requirement for the major or concentration.
A student declares a major by preregistration for the fifth semester. The head of the department in which the major is declared, or a designated colleague, then becomes the student’s adviser. Most students choose a departmental or an interdepartmental major. However, a student may arrange a special program as an independent major or may be permitted a second major.
Students are held to the major requirements in effect at the time they declare their major. Since the completion of a major is one of the requirements for graduation, waiving any of the specifications of the major (required courses or course distributions) must be first approved by the department. Transfer courses may be counted towards the completion of the major if they are approved by the department and the department chair has officially notified the Office of the Registrar. A major cannot be completed out of residence.
Total Credits Required for Graduation
To be eligible for graduation, a student must have at least 124 credits, a 2.00 cumulative G.P.A. and must have satisfactorily completed the tutorial and a departmental, interdepartmental, or independent major. The following criteria apply:
Credit Limits
The maximum credits that can be included in the 124 credits are listed below:
- 48 credits in any one department (For the purposes of this requirement, Chinese and Japanese credits are to be considered as belonging to separate departments.)
- 92 credits in any one division
- 8 practica credits with no more than 4 credits in Physical Education PHE 100 or PHE 101
Practica credits include: CHI 211 , JPN 211 , MUS 101 , PHE 100, PHE 101 , THE 100 , THE 205
- 16 credits in performance
Performance credits include: MUS 120 , MUS 122 , MUS 220 , MUS 220 , MUS 420 , and THE 104 , THE 204
- 6 credits in Music 101, 120, 122, 220, 221, and 420 in any one semester
- 12 credits of independent study work (Plus-2, 297, 299, 397, 399, and 499) in one department for students who matriculated after July 2006. For students who matriculated prior to July 2006, the limit is 10 credits.
- 8 credits of internship study
- 16 credits of “D” grades
Other Limits:
No credit with a grade below “C” may count toward the satisfaction of any requirement for a major or an interdisciplinary concentration. (This includes all extra-departmental and cognate courses.) “C-” is considered a grade below “C.”
Transfer Credits
Students matriculating as first-time first-year students must complete at least six semesters in residence and are limited to a maximum of 24 pre- and post-matriculation transfer credits (AP, IB, college credit). For students with an approved program to study off campus for one semester, the program credits are excluded from the 24-limit of transfer credits, and the semester off-campus is counted toward the residency requirement. For students approved for yearlong off campus programs, only one semester of off campus study will count toward the residency requirement, although the credits from both semesters will be accepted.
Transfer students are required to complete the following minimum number of credits at Grinnell College:
A transfer student who enters as a: |
Must complete at Grinnell at least: |
Second-semester first-year |
92 credits |
First-semester second-year |
78 credits |
Second-semester second-year |
62 credits |
First-semester third-year |
62 credits |
A transfer student will be allowed to apply toward a degree at Grinnell a maximum of 62 semester credits of transferable work. If a transfer student has more than 62 credits of transferable work, the registrar will work with the student to determine which credits, not exceeding 62, will be accepted.
At the time of admission, transfer students are classified (as second-semester first-year, first-semester second-year, etc.) on the basis of the transfer credits, if any, that are accepted by the College. Subsequent class status is determined by the number of semesters in residence at Grinnell plus semesters of off-campus study. AP credits and college work taken while in high school do not count toward classification.
An evaluation of credits earned at properly accredited institutions is done by the registrar. Transfer credit evaluations are done prior to enrollment for all new students who have been approved for admission and for all matriculated students who pursue coursework while on leave or during the summer. Only official transcripts sent directly to Grinnell will be evaluated.
Currently enrolled students who attend another properly accredited institution have the responsibility of submitting the Transfer Approval Form to the Office of the Registrar in a timely fashion. In addition it is their responsibility to consult the Student Handbook on the limitations on transfer work after matriculation to Grinnell.
The evaluation of transfer credit by the registrar involves at least two considerations:
- The comparability of the nature, content, and level of credit earned to what Grinnell currently offers; and
- The appropriateness and applicability of the credits earned to the programs offered by Grinnell, in light of the student’s educational goals.
Courses in which a grade of C or above (C– is not acceptable) is earned at other institutions are transferable or applicable toward major or degree requirements at Grinnell. In addition, courses that are graded on a pass/fail basis must be accompanied by written documentation from the school issuing the credit that the passing grade reflects work at C or above (C– is not acceptable).
When transfer credits or Grinnell College credits overlap or duplicate Advanced Placement (AP) or International Baccalaureate (IB) credits, the highest credit value will be accepted. For courses that may apply to either a major or a concentration, the department chair of the major or concentration, at the request of the student, will make a determination and notify the Office of the Registrar in writing as to what credits can be applied toward the major or concentration. AP/IB credits will be cancelled upon the successful completion of any equivalent Grinnell course. Students should contact the Office of the Registrar for more details.
Courses considered vocational or remedial, College Level Examination Program (CLEP) credits, or other such placement credits are not transferable.
Grinnell usually does not award course credit for work done through distance learning, correspondence, extension, or continuing education programs. Only distance learning, extension, or continuing education courses that are (1) in traditional liberal arts subject areas and (2) accepted for credit by the sponsoring accredited institution for its own bachelor’s degree may be granted credit subject to all other transfer of credit regulations.
Credit for summer study will not be accepted for transfer unless an official transcript is received by December 1 of the year in which the coursework is taken. Credits for winter interim study will not be accepted after the Office of the Registrar has verified completion of all requirements for graduation.
A transfer student is allowed to apply a maximum of 62 semester credits of transferable work toward a degree at Grinnell. If a transfer student has more than 62 credits of transferable work, the registrar will work with the student to determine which credits, not to exceed 62, will be accepted.
College Residence Requirement
Because a residential college seeks to create an environment in which students and faculty benefit from the exchange of insights, ideas, and experiences, a residence requirement provides adequate time for such an exchange for the student’s development both inside and outside the classroom. Contemplative study, maturation, and time for reading and discussion in the college community all are considered important to a student’s development.
All students are expected to complete eight full-time college semesters, a specified number of which must be in residence at Grinnell. Students who enter Grinnell after June 2002 as first-semester first-year students or who transfer to Grinnell as second-semester first-year students are required to complete at least six semesters of full-time enrollment in residence at Grinnell. One semester of approved off-campus study may count toward the six-semester residency requirement. Transfer students who enter as first-semester second-year students, as second-semester second-year students, or as third-year students must complete at least four semesters of full-time residence at Grinnell. Full-time enrollment is enrollment for at least 12 semester credits. The only off-campus programs that can be counted toward residency for second-year and third-year transfer students are those operated by Grinnell College (currently Grinnell-in-London and Grinnell-in-Washington, D.C.).
If an eighth-semester student in good standing leaves the College with eight or fewer nonmajor credits to complete toward the degree, these credits may be completed at another accredited college or university, as long as the minimum residency credit requirement has been met and prior approval has been granted by the student’s adviser and the registrar. Degrees are not conferred beyond three years after the date a student leaves Grinnell.
Accelerated or Extended Graduation
Students who enter Grinnell as first-semester first-year students may develop degree programs of six, seven, or eight semesters of full-time enrollment. The major adviser and the Committee on Academic Standing must approve the student’s plan for accelerated graduation. In completing the application, students should consult the “Elements of a Liberal Education” of the college catalog. A completed application must be submitted no later than Friday of the first full week of classes of the semester proposed for graduation. However, it is in a student’s interest to apply for accelerated graduation no later than the time of registration two semesters prior to the expected date of accelerated graduation, so that the student has two semesters in which to address any academic deficiencies identified by the Committee on Academic Standing. Students may graduate after six or seven semesters if they have satisfied requirements for the degree, including the requirements for major, residence, and total credits, and if they have demonstrated a commitment to a strong program of liberal education, normally including three four-credit courses in each of the three major divisions of the College. The last full semester of work before graduation must be completed at Grinnell, except for students participating in cooperative programs leading to professional degrees (see Cooperative Programs ).
A student who is attempting to follow an approved accelerated program to graduate in fewer than eight semesters is not reclassified forward on the basis of credits earned until his or her final semester. The credits necessary to remain in good academic standing are determined by a student’s actual class status, not by the accelerated program he or she is attempting.
All students are expected to complete their academic programs within eight full-time semesters. Some students may be permitted to take more time. Examples would include students with disabilities that prevent them from carrying a full course load; students who have fallen behind normal progress as determined by the Committee on Academic Standing; or students whose comprehensive academic program would be substantially enhanced by another semester of work. In all cases of extended study, the student must secure prior approval from the Committee on Academic Standing. The Committee on Academic Standing will review such requests in consultation with appropriate administrative offices. The College reserves the right to refuse college housing to students beyond eight semesters, and the College will not provide its own aid funds to students who exceed eight semesters of college residence.
Interdisciplinary Concentrations
Interdisciplinary concentrations are organized programs a student may choose to complete in addition to a major. Concentrations are offered in American Studies; East Asian Studies; Environmental Studies; Global Development Studies; Latin American Studies; Linguistics; Neuroscience; Policy Studies; Russian, Central, and Eastern European Studies; Technology Studies; and Western European Studies. Each concentration includes work in several departments and culminates in an interdisciplinary seminar or research project in the senior year. Completion of a concentration is entered on a student’s permanent record and transcript. Students declare their intention to pursue a concentration by preregistration for their seventh semester. A course in the student’s interdisciplinary concentration cannot be elected for grading on the “S/D/F” basis. Any course elected for such grading before the student’s declaration of a major or interdisciplinary concentration does not count toward the minimum credit requirement for the major or concentration.
Students with Disabilities
Grinnell College, in compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, and with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), recognizes that qualified students who have diagnosed disabilities are entitled to benefit from the educational programs of the College, if reasonable accommodations can be arranged. Grinnell is committed to making reasonable accommodations for students with diagnosed or identified disabilities.
The Academic Advising Office coordinates this process, and students in need of accommodations should contact this office. Academic accommodations may include reduced course loads, extended time on exams, note-takers or books in auditory format. Planning for academic accommodations is the responsibility of the student in conjunction with his or her adviser and the dean for student academic support and advising.
For other accommodations, students may contact the Academic Advising Office to be put in touch with the College’s ADA compliance officer or the appropriate office such as dining services, housing, or facilities management. Students requesting accommodations must provide the College with current, written diagnostic evaluations of their disabilities that include recommendations for appropriate accommodations.
Course Loads
The normal course load for students graduating in eight semesters is 16 credits per semester. To remain in good standing, all students are expected to register for and complete a minimum of 12 credits per semester. The maximum load is 18 credits, including music performance and all practica. Studio instruction in music or theatre or sport performance is not counted when determining credits in excess of 18. A student requests permission to carry more than 18 credits in a semester (or fewer than 12 credits) by submitting a written request to the registrar for action by the Committee on Academic Standing. Students registered for more than 18 credits per term are billed the per credit rate for the credits in excess of 18.
Some first-year students may be advised to enroll for fewer than 16 credits. Students will not be allowed to drop below 8 credits.
Normal Progress
Good academic standing is defined as making normal academic progress with GPA and credits and having no academic sanctions more severe than probation. Strict probation or suspension removes a student from good academic standing.
A student’s normal progress is based on the number of credits earned at Grinnell and the cumulative grade point average. A student is making normal progress toward graduation if he or she has earned the credits and cumulative grade point average listed below by the end of each specific semester at Grinnell.
First Semester |
Second Semester |
Credits |
Credits |
First-year Student* |
12 |
1.70 |
28 |
1.80 |
Second-year |
44 |
1.90 |
60 |
2.00 |
Student Third-year |
76 |
2.00 |
92 |
2.00 |
Student Fourth-year Student |
108 |
2.00 |
124 |
2.00 |
*Some first-semester students may be advised to enroll for fewer than 16 credits. |
Grading System
Grinnell uses the following grading system:
Grade |
Definition |
Grade Points |
A |
Excellent |
4.00 |
A- |
Excellent |
3.67 |
B+ |
Good |
3.33 |
B |
Good |
3.00 |
B- |
Good |
2.67 |
C+ |
Satisfactory |
2.33 |
C |
Satisfactory |
2.00 |
D |
Passing |
1.00 |
F |
Failing |
0.00 |
S |
Satisfactory(A-C without grade-point equivalent) |
All grades are entered on a student’s permanent transcript.
Grades are reported to students, their faculty advisers, and the vice-president for student services at the end of each semester. Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended (often referred to as the “Buckley Amendment”), the College has a responsibility to maintain the privacy of academic records. Accordingly, the record of grades is only accessible on line via password-protected access to Pioneer web. A student may request in writing that final grades be sent to the parent(s). Instructors are asked to inform the director of academic advising whenever a student’s work in a course becomes unsatisfactory during the semester.
Deans List
A student will be placed on the Dean’s List if she or he attains a term grade average for the semester of 3.75 or higher. In order to qualify for the Dean’s List, a student must complete 16 credits, 14 of which must be taken for a letter grade. Only credits completed at Grinnell and those programs directly administered by Grinnell will be used in determining eligibility. A student cannot earn Dean’s List recognition if he or she has an incomplete or an NGR (no grade reported). A student whose incomplete or NGR is later converted to a letter grade and who thereby becomes eligible for the Dean’s List will be placed on the Dean’s List retroactively.
Phi Beta Kappa
In the spring semester, the local Phi Beta Kappa chapter, Beta of Iowa, selects high-achieving third-year and senior students from among the candidates for election. All candidates for election as members-in-course shall meet successfully the following requirements of their academic course of study:
- Foreign language. Completion of a course at or beyond the third-semester level of a modern foreign language, or the second-semester level of a classical language, or proficiency beyond such level as demonstrated by the candidate’s educational history, e.g., years of education in a non-English-speaking country.
- Mathematics. Completion of the course MAT 124 or MAT 131 , or a mathematics course for which MAT 124 or MAT 131 is a prerequisite.
- General distribution. At least 12 semester credits of study in the divisions of humanities, sciences, and social studies as defined at Grinnell College, with no more than eight divisional credits counted to come from any one academic department, and completion of at least one science course with a laboratory experience. A letter grade will be required in courses used to satisfy distribution requirements for election to Phi Beta Kappa, except for courses only offered S/D/F. Courses accepted as transfer credits by the Office of the Registrar may be used to satisfy distribution requirements, even though no letter grade appears on the student’s transcript for these courses. In any case, only courses designated to one of the three academic divisions by the Office of the Registrar will count toward the distribution requirements. For courses cross-listed in two or more divisions (such as MAT 115 /SST 115 ), the student should ensure that the course is designated to the desired division on his or her transcript. Academic skills courses (including writing lab, reading lab, math lab, LIB 100 ) do not count toward satisfying divisional requirements.
Advanced Placement (AP) and transfer credits may be used to satisfy any eligibility requirement, provided that the Office of the Registrar has determined them to be equivalent to the relevant courses at Grinnell. A maximum of four AP credits may be used to satisfy the distribution requirement in each division. The student is responsible for ensuring that the appropriate credits are listed on his or her transcript.
Transcripts will be evaluated after the add/drop period of spring semester courses. Courses that are in progress will count toward the eligibility requirements. Before the induction ceremony each year, the chapter may verify the eligibility of students to be elected by requesting that the Office of the Registrar notify the chapter if a student has withdrawn from a course needed to satisfy eligibility requirements. The chapter initiates the consideration of third-year students and seniors for membership without action by the students. Students will be notified by the chapter if they are to be offered membership in Phi Beta Kappa.
Graduation with Honors
Each department recommends for graduation with honors those senior majors who have clearly distinguished themselves within their major field of study. In order to qualify for recommendation, a student must, after the semester prior to graduation (typically after the seventh semester except in the case of accelerated graduation), have achieved at least a 3.50 grade point average in the major field and a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.40. Students found responsible for academic dishonesty are not eligible for honors, except students who commit only one offense and receive a less-than-normal penalty for the offense. The required seven semesters of study to qualify for honors need not all be completed at Grinnell; however, only credits completed at Grinnell, Grinnell-in-Washington, D.C., and Grinnell-in-London will be used in determining grade point eligibility.
These are minimum, College-wide criteria for honors. Students should consult the individual department listings in this catalog for departmental minimum criteria for honors and may consult with the chair of the major department for further clarification, if needed.
Commencement Participation
Students may participate in only one Commencement program. Students who plan to graduate in December are typically included in the following May Commencement program. Some December graduates, however, may wish to participate in the Commencement program immediately preceding their final semester. Students who have remained in good academic standing the previous two semesters, and who can reasonably complete all requirements by the end of the following December, may be allowed to participate in Commencement. These students will not receive a diploma until after their degree has been conferred.
Advanced Placement Examination and International Baccalaureate Credits
A student entering Grinnell will be granted four credits for Advanced Placement (AP) examinations of the College Board upon presentation of a score of 3 (or higher) [calculus (BC), computer science (AB)], 4 (or higher) [art, biology, calculus (AB), chemistry, classics, computer science (A), economics, English language/composition, environmental science, French, German, government, history, music, physics (B or C), psychology, Spanish, and statistics], and/or 5 [English literature/composition].
In addition, Grinnell College recognizes International Baccalaureate (IB) level work and will grant credit for examination scores of 5 or better on Higher Level courses only. Upon receipt of a transcript from the British Examination Authority, the College will also grant 4 credits for each British Advanced-level examination (A-level) score of B or higher. The granting of credit for IB and A-level work is equated to the granting of credit for Advanced Placement. Grinnell will also award a maximum of 16 credits for the German Abitur examination or the French Baccalauréat examination. Exams to be accepted by Grinnell College must be in subjects where we would also accept AP scores.
For satisfaction of graduation requirements, the credits awarded are divisional credits, not assigned to an academic department. However, a student may request permission to apply these AP/IB credits awarded toward satisfaction of the requirements for a major. For exact information about how credits will be awarded, consult the Office of the Registrar.
AP/IB credits will be cancelled upon the successful completion of any equivalent Grinnell course. Students should contact the Office of the Registrar for more details.
Grinnell does not grant credits for the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) test or other such programs. |