Mar 02, 2025  
2023-2024 Academic Catalog 
2023-2024 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Resource Centers

Academic Resource Centers

The Academic Resource Centers (ARC) are a network of professionals, from thirteen different offices or departments across campus, who have expertise in teaching a variety of academic skills. Below are the credit bearing skills courses available to students.  For more information on the ARC: See Academic Resource Centers pages in this catalog  or at our web page Academic Resource Centers.

The areas that offer courses in Academic Skills are as follows:


Library                                                                    Mark Christel, Librarian of the College and Associate Professor

Math Lab                                                                 Renee Bourgeois Parsons, Director

Science Learning Center                                     Minna Mahlab, Director

Writing, Reading, and Speaking Center         Tisha Turk, Director of Academic Support for Writing and Speaking 

Academic Skills Courses

Academic Resource Centers


  • ASC 101 - Scholars’ Seminar

    2 credits (Fall and Spring)
    The goal of this course is to foster continued learning development in students. This learning development is built on theories and concepts from the fields of cognitive and learning psychology, evidence-based learning strategies, and research that examines obstacles to the learning process.  Students will research and practice evidence-based strategies and apply them to their existing courses with opportunities for reflection and feedback. Open to all students.

    Prerequisite: None.
    Note: Half-semester deadlines apply.
    Instructor: Backous, Ferraro
  • MAT 100 - Mathematics Laboratory

    1 credits (Fall and Spring)
    A one credit course recommended for students who want to review high school math skills before taking a college class or while concurrently enrolled in an introductory calculus or statistics course.

    Note: May be repeated once for credit with permission of the director. Instruction in basic math skills is available without credit for all students. S/D/F only.
    Instructor: Bourgeois Parsons
  • SCI 100 - Science Laboratory

    1 credits (Fall and Spring)
    Individual or small-group instruction emphasizing problem-solving skills. This class must be taken in conjunction with first-year sequences in physics, chemistry, or biology. May be repeated once for credit with permission of the director.

    Prerequisite: Consultation with the related course instructor and permission of the director of the science lab are required.
    Note: Instruction is available without credit to students who cannot take the course or who need only occasional assistance. S/D/F only
    Instructor: Mahlab
  • SCI 240 - Science Education Methods

    1 credits
    This discussion seminar is open to all students who have taken at least one year of science, and is encouraged for those students who are biology and chemistry student mentors, science laboratory teaching assistants, or students interested in pursuing a career in science teaching. This class will review some of the current literature in science education and focuses on examining the stages of the teaching and learning process and tools for improving teaching and learning.

    Prerequisite: One year (two semesters) of biology, chemistry, mathematics/computer science, physics, or psychology, with grades S, C, or better; and permission of the instructor.
    Note: Not offered every year.
    Instructor: Mahlab
  • WRT 101 - College Writing in the Liberal Arts

    1 credits (Fall and Spring)
    WRT 101 introduces students to academic writing at the college level. Emphasizing writing as a process, the course provides opportunities for students to collaboratively practice writing principles in class and apply them to writing assignments in other courses through individual writing center appointments. Students must be enrolled in Tutorial or another writing intensive course to take WRT 101.

    Prerequisite: None.
    S/D/F only
    Instructor: Staff
  • WRT 102 - Voice and Style for the Academic Writer

    2 credits (Spring)
    This course emphasizes individuality and creativity within the conventions of academic writing. Students write analytically, while infusing their work with their own personality, voice, and style. Through craft exercises and workshops, students experiment with more advanced writing techniques, like guiding metaphors and narrative vignettes, to vividly convey their ideas and engage readers. 

    Prerequisite: None. 
    S/D/F only.
    Instructor: D. Perez
  • WRT 120 - Oral Communication for Academic Purposes

    2 credits (Spring)
    In this course, students will approach oral communication from a writerly perspective by drafting and delivering speeches on a variety of academic topics. Special attention will be paid to audience consideration as students learn to provide effective feedback on peers’ speeches.

    Prerequisite: None.
    S/D/F only
    Instructor: Park, Price
  • WRT 140 - English for Academic Purposes

    2 credits (Spring)
    In this course students will expand their knowledge of academic communication by analyzing academic genre conventions and English vocabulary and grammar across disciplines. The goal of the course is to make the conventions of academic communication explicit; it is intended for any student who would like to develop more confidence in reading and writing academic genres.

    Prerequisite: Tutorial with grade S, C, or better.
    S/D/F only
    Instructor: Staff
  • WRT 301 - Teaching and Tutoring Writing

    4 credits (Fall and Spring)
    Cross-listed as: EDU 301 . In this course, we will discuss theories of writing, revising, teaching, and tutoring; learn and practice  strategies for effective commenting on drafts and conferencing with writers from a variety of disciplines and backgrounds; identify and investigate intriguing questions and scholarly debates related to writing, teaching, and tutoring; present the results of that research both orally and in writing; and reflect on our own experiences as writers, tutors, and learners.

    Prerequisite: New Writing Mentors has registration priority. Second-year standing or completion of 200-level writing intensive course with grade S, C, or better..
    Instructor: Turk