2020-2021 Interim Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Russian, Central European, and Eurasian Studies Concentration
Russian, Central European, and Eurasian Studies
Danielle Lussier
Todd Armstrong
Edward Cohn
Raquel Greene
Kelly Herold
Deborah Michaels
Daniel Reynolds
John Rommereim
Russian, Central European, and Eurasian Studies (RCEES) is an interdisciplinary concentration focusing on the integrated humanistic and social scientific study of Russia, the other republics of the former Soviet Union (including territories of the Caucasus and Central Asia), and the nations of Central Europe (with particular emphasis on parts of Europe previously under Russian or Habsburg imperial and subsequent rule). RCEES students pursue an interdisciplinary study of the region by completing coursework in at least three different departments that reflects both social scientific and humanistic approaches to regional study, engaging in the study of a language from the region, and pursuing an integrated research project that brings together themes from their course of study. While students are not required to study off-campus, a summer or semester spent in the region are strongly encouraged.
Concentration requirements: 24 as follows*:
1. Study of Politics, History, and Society - 8 credits
Eight credits from the following list:
2. Study of Literature, Art, Film, and Cultural Expression - 8 credits
8 credits from the the following courses:
*Students in courses marked with an * are expected to complete their course research project on a theme related to the region in order for the course to count. Students are expected to consult on this point with the course instructor and their concentration advisor at the beginning of the course.
3. Electives - 4 credits
Four additional credits from the courses listed for requirements 1 and 2. Students can also earn credit towards this requirement with Plus-2’s connected to one or more of those courses, with short courses related to the region, or with any courses listed under the RES catalogue designation.
4. Research Project - 4 credits
Students must complete a 4-credit research project, which can take the form of an independent study or MAP and should generally be completed under the supervision of a Grinnell faculty member. Generally speaking, this project should be the culmination of a student’s concentration study, taking place after the coursework on lists 1 and 2 are completed. In consultation with their concentration adviser, students may fulfill this requirement with a substantial research project completed for a 300-level seminar. Concentrators should generally make an on-campus presentation about their research.
5. Language Proficiency
One of the following: A, B, or C
Russian Proficiency
Students who complete the language requirement by demonstrating 200-level proficiency in Russian should complete at least one course on Central Europe from among the following courses:
German Proficiency
Students who demonstrate 200-level proficiency in German or another Eurasian language should complete at least one course on Russia or the former Soviet Union from among the following courses:
B. RUS-102 or GRM-102
RUS 102 or GRM 102 together with one semester of study of a regional language, not taught at Grinnell, through OCS in the region (for example, Polish in Poland, Czech in Czech Republic, etc).
C. High School Degree
Completion of high school degree in which the primary language of instruction was a language of the region (some possible examples include Polish, Czech, Serbo-Croatian, Hungarian, Bulgarian, Georgian, Azeri Armenian, etc).
6. Other Requirements
- Students can count a maximum of 12 credits toward the concentration from any one department or program and need to take courses in at least three different departments.
- A maximum of 8 credits of coursework completed during off-campus study may be counted toward the concentration, pending approval of the concentration chair.
- Students may petition the concentration committee to count any course toward the RCEES concentration (including a special topics course) if at least 30% of the material covered by the course deals with Russia, Central Europe, or Eurasia.
- Each individual course can only be used to meet one of the concentration requirements.