Feb 10, 2025  
2024-2025 Student Handbook 
2024-2025 Student Handbook

Residence Life Policies and Procedures

Residence Life provides intentional leadership for our residential community. The department includes student staff engaged in building community and committed to supporting students; and student-centered Student Affairs educators supporting self-governance and exercising the best practices of our profession. We focus our efforts on the physical environment, personal development, community development, and student learning. 

Our partners across campus create a safe, healthy, comfortable, and inclusive residential environment, one that fosters ownership, accommodates individual needs, and affords students the opportunity to achieve their goals. 

We advance personal development by helping students navigate transitions, prepare to succeed at the College, build life skills, explore identities, and become more socially aware. We encourage responsible decision-making as students navigate this self-governing community and a broader world. 

We promote community development by encouraging students to create a respectful community that fosters relationships and values diverse perspectives. Community members resolve conflicts by assuming personal responsibility, developing strong interpersonal skills, and peer accountability. 

We enhance student learning in a challenging and supportive environment by valuing academic scholarship and creating opportunities for learning outside the classroom, thereby establishing a lifelong passion for learning. 

Residence Life administers all room placements, room changes, off-campus permission, and all room selection processes including but not limited to semester leaves and special room draws, as well as oversees the residence life-related policy development and implementation. 


Room Selection procedures are located on the Residence Life Room Selection website.

Students are responsible for meeting residence life deadlines to be eligible for on- and off-campus housing. Students with disabilities who require accommodations to more fully access the residential environment need to submit documentation to Disability Resources in order to have access to the widest range of accommodation options, returning-students are encouraged to submit documentation at least 4 weeks prior to room selection.

Events in Residence Halls and College-Owned Housing

Students wanting to use a residence hall lounge, College-owned house, or event space for an event with 20 people or more must reserve the space through Conference Operations by 5 p.m. on Friday at least one full week before the event.  Residents in College-owned houses must communicate their event plans to their respective RLC in accordance with the timeline. 

Failure to obtain permission to use the lounge, house, or event space, or abide by the procedures for making reservations, may result in student conduct action and/or monetary restitution charges. 

Conference Operations will inform the building RLC when an event reservation is confirmed. Student-hosts are encouraged to communicate directly with the building RLC and to utilize them as partners to ensure a safe and fun event. 

Events in residence halls and houses must end by 10:00 pm on weeknights (Sunday-Thursday) and end by 1:00 am on weekends (Friday, Saturday). 

Concerts in Gardner Lounge that produce amplified music will be limited to weekends (Friday, Saturday) and no more than two weeknights (Sunday-Thursday) per semester. 


Author: Residence Life


  • to inform students how to reserve residence hall lounges and other spaces;
  • to facilitate the proper use of residence hall lounges and College-owned houses for social and/or intellectual activities.

Residence Life Policies

Room Assignments

Students choose their room according to their class standing (as determined by the Registrar)  

  • Returning students select their room each spring for the following academic year. Updated residence life/housing procedures are available on the Residence Life website beginning in February. Room Selection occurs online and is accessible to all registered students at Grinnell College. Room Selection is available for current fourth years, rising third years, and rising second years.  

  • First-year student rooms are reserved in each residence hall before the campus Room Selection occurs and are assigned during June. Individual requests are honored when possible. 

  • A student contracts space in College housing, not a specific room. Residence Life reserves the right to assign or reassign students as needed. 

Room Changes & Vacancies

Room changes are the last option in resolving conflict between two or more roommates. 

  • Before departmental consideration for a room change, roommates must consult their Community Advisor or Residence Life Coordinator. In most instances, the Community Advisor or Residence Life Coordinator will require a formal roommate mediation to occur. Additionally, restorative practices may be used in roommate conflicts. A genuine commitment to resolve roommate issues must be made by all parties involved.  
  • If a room change is recommended, the Residence Life Coordinator will notify the Associate Director of Housing Operations. The Associate Director, in conjunction with the Assistant Dean of Residence Life and Student Conduct will make the final decision regarding a room change and other options. 

  • If you have a vacancy in your assigned space, you must keep it ready for a new roommate. A clean, clear and equitable amount of space must be available, including bed, closet, desk, and floor space. In locations with bathrooms and/or kitchens, this includes shelves, cupboards, counters, and appliances. Failure to do so may result in the student going through the conduct process. 

  • Residence Life reserves the right to assign a new roommate to a room at any time and does not require the permission of the current occupants of the room. 

  • Room changes are not made during the first three weeks of each semester unless exceptional circumstances exist. The Director of Residence Life must authorize any exceptions to this room freeze. 

  • Failure to follow check-in procedures may result in a conduct process. 

All first- and second-year students are required to have a roommate.  Exceptions are rare and only made on the basis of an accommodation through Disability Resources or by the Department of Residence Life. If a student’s roommate permanently vacates the room for any reason, the room will become available during the room change process. Students do not have the right to turn away new roommate(s). The Department of Residence Life reserves the right to assign a student to a room at any time and does not require the permission of the current room occupants. 


  • to inform students of the room change process;
  • to encourage communication and conflict resolution among roommates;
  • to provide flexibility for exceptional circumstances.
  • to clearly communicate to students when room consolidations might be necessary;
  • to provide autonomy when finding a new roommate;
  • to ensure vacant room(s) in case of an emergency.

Author: Residence Life


Check-In and Check-Out Procedures

Check-in and inventory

  • Each residence hall room is inventoried for furnishings and physical condition. A completed copy of the Room Inventory Report is left in the room for occupants.  

  • The original form is maintained by the Residence Life Coordinator. 

  • Students are required to review the Room Inventory Report, note discrepancies, sign it and return it to their Residence Life Coordinator during the first week of classes. If not completed, the student waves the right to appeal any furnishing and condition charges. 


  • Non-graduates are required to check-out within 24 hours of their last final exam; Graduates are required to check-out by 12 PM (Noon) the day following Commencement. 

  • At the end of each semester, students will be emailed procedures for vacating rooms and returning keys. 

  • Check-out with your Residence Life Coordinator or Community Advisor for formal check-outs.  Students can choose to do informal check-outs; however, students who opt for informal check-out forfeit their right to appeal furnishing and condition charges. 

  • Upon departure from the room, students should leave their rooms locked, clean, and orderly. 

  • Students leaving campus who want mail forwarded to an address other than the address listed in the campus directory should contact Crady Mail Services. 

  • Before departing, students should take care of outstanding fines and bills at Student Accounts. 

Room Inventories and Condition Policy

  • Your room is inventoried when you move out of the room. You are financially responsible for the furnishings and physical condition of your room.  

  • Any damage, repairs, or trash left in hallways, lounges, kitchens, bathrooms, or other community area will be charged to all the residents of the building and fines will be divided equally by floor or hall. Occupants are equally responsible for damaged or missing furniture unless otherwise agreed upon by roommates. 

  • You may contest assessed fees, not including housing fees according to the following process: 

  • Once you have received notification of assessment to your college email, you must email your appeal to reslife@grinnell.edu within 10 business days. 

  • Appeals should contain your full name, room address, e-mail address, and rationale as to why you are not responsible for the charge(s). Any supporting materials must also be submitted at this time. 

  • Your appeal and associated materials will be reviewed by the Assistant Dean for Residence Life & Student Conduct and a decision will be emailed to you within 10 business days. 

  • All charges will remain on your account during the appeal process. Only in the event of a successful appeal will a charge be removed or reduced. Any late fees or penalties accrued due to lateness or non-payment are your responsibility. 

Author: Residence Life


  • to accurately inventory items in and the condition of the room;
  • to ensure students are appropriately held accountable for missing or damaged property.

Room Keys, Pioneer One-Cards

At the beginning of each school year Residence Life staff members distribute keys for residence hall rooms. Students are required to pick up their room keys upon their arrival to campus. Students who fail to claim their room key(s) within one week of their arrival will be subject to the conduct system. Pioneer One-Card (or P-Cards) are distributed by Dining Services. The cards are activated for access to the residence halls by Campus Safety. 

Lost Keys

Immediately report any lost residence hall key to your Residence Life Coordinator or the Associate Director of Housing Operations. The Associate Director of Housing Operations will then order a new lock for the room (also known as a “recore”) and new keys for any roommates.  Students may pick up their keys from Campus Safety. Students will lose their $75 key deposit when a key is lost, and they will be issued a new $75 deposit for the new key (which will be refunded when the key is returned at the end of the year). Lost P-Cards are replaced by Dining Services for a $25 fee. 

Opening Student Rooms for those who have Forgotten their Keys

Student rooms are opened for students who lock themselves out within the following guidelines:

  1. To gain access to their room, students must contact Campus Safety. A student must present their student ID (Pioneer One-Card or P-Card) to Campus Safety.

  2. Campus Safety reserves the right to issue a $10 charge for lock-out assistance. Please note that the $10 charge is for providing entry/access to the room; not unlocking the door.  The door will remain locked for security purposes unless a replacement key is not readily available. 

Author: Residence Life


  • to educate students on appropriate channels and resources for lock-out assistance;
  • to inform students of the cost associated with replacing keys and/or P-Cards.

Furnishings Policy

  • Students are prohibited from moving College-owned furniture from one room to another.  

  • Upon receipt of a report that there is unassigned College-owned property in a student room, a notice that the furniture must be returned to the designated location will be given. Failure to comply may result in conduct action and/or a monetary fine/restitution. 

  • Room furnishings should never be placed in hallways, stairwells, or other common areas. Policy violations may result in conduct action. 

  • Any furniture missing at the time of check-out will be charged to the responsible parties at replacement price.

Author: Residence Life


  • to maintain the safety of College-owned furniture;
  • to ensure furniture remains available for others;
  • to explain consequences for removing items.

Personal Property Liability

The College assumes no liability for loss or damage to a student’s personal property. Students are strongly encouraged to insure their personal property on their own or through family insurance plans. 

Students are prohibited from leaving their items in the hallways or community lounge spaces. These items may include, but are not limited to, clothing, shoes, umbrellas, etc. If items are left, they will be confiscated and held for 24 hours by the floor/building custodian. 

Damage Deposit

A damage deposit of $100.00 must be brought current annually by July 15th. Residence hall damage charges and fines are charged against this deposit. 


Short-term Storage

During the academic year, secure storage in trunk rooms is available in select residence halls for empty luggage and totes. Students must contact their Community Advisor (CA) or Residence Life Coordinator (RLC) to access this free service during the semester. Residence Life is not liable for lost or damaged items. 

End of the year storage

At the end of the academic year, all items must be removed from the trunk room by the date posted to prepare for summer storage. All items left in the trunk room after this time will be considered abandoned and will be discarded. Residence Life is not liable for discarded items. 

Long-term Storage 

Grinnell College works with C & K Transfer for all student storage needs: 

Summer - Over the summer, or while studying away from campus, storage is handled by C & K Transfer that charges a nominal fee for each item stored. More detailed information about the summer storage program will be provided during the academic year. Grinnell College does not store items for non-resident students over the summer and is not liable for lost or damaged items stored with C & K Transfer. 

Leave of Absence

Students taking a leave of absence during the academic year need to remove all items from the trunk rooms. These students should contact C & K Transfer at 641-236-3418 directly to arrange off-campus storage or arrange for shipping items home (see below). 

Packing and Shipping Student Belongings

For student belongings left behind due to a leave of absence or any other unexpected need, please work with the Assistant Dean of Residence Life and Student Conduct to coordinate the packing of belongings by C & K Transfer and shipped through Total Choice Shipping and Printing. Charges for this service will be reflected on the student’s account. 

Author: Residence Life


  • to inform students that the College assumes no liability for the loss or damage of personal property;
  • to encourage students to insure their items.
  • to explain storage options

Vacating Rooms During College Breaks

Students are required to leave their rooms between semesters unless they have applied for winter break/summer housing and received approval through Residence Life. During the winter break, the residence halls and other College-owned housing (e.g., language and project houses) become substance-free. Unless approved by Residence Life, students may not return early from winter or summer breaks to the residence halls or College-owned houses until the official opening date. Policy violations may result in conduct action. 

Author: Residence Life


  • to recognize the limited resources available to students during Winter Break;
  • to assist international and/or US global nomad students who are unable to travel home.

Laundry Facilities

Student laundry facilities are in all residence halls except James and Rawson Halls. Students living on-campus will have access to a laundry facility close to their building if they don’t have a laundry room in their building. Laundry is free to on-campus students. 

Residence Life is working on outfitting on-campus houses with laundry facilities. In the meantime, students will have access to laundry facilities in close vicinity to their on-campus house. 


Amphibians, birds, fish, invertebrates, rodents (except ferrets), or reptiles that are non-poisonous and non-dangerous are permitted in student rooms. Conditions that must be met for pet ownership on campus include:  

  • the permission of the roommate; 

  • registration with the Residence Life Coordinator (RLC) (see below for more information);  

  • proper care of the pet, including feeding and cleaning; 

  • proper housing (e.g., cage/container) for the pet (see below for more information) 

  • Pets cannot be left on-campus during fall, winter, spring, or summer breaks. 

Please note that any food or accessories for the pet must be kept in the student room (and not in kitchen refrigerators or hallways, for example). Approved pets are granted access only to the residential room occupied by the individual. They are not permitted in other areas of the college campus. 

Registration of the pet is required prior to the pet being brought to campus. For your pet’s safety, you must register it with your RLC. Once you have contacted your RLC, they will provide you with the Grinnell College Pet Registration Form.  

Roommates & Pets 

  • Must have the permission of the roommate to have the pet in the room. 

  • If roommate(s) and/or housemate(s) permission is withdrawn at any time, occupants will have to go through mediation with their Residence Life Coordinator. 

  • If not resolved, the pet may be removed from campus. 

Unauthorized Pets: Unauthorized cats and dogs are not permitted in ANY residence halls or ANY College-owned housing. Please be aware of the following response steps: 

  • Cats, dogs, and ferrets are not allowed. Do not bring an unauthorized pet into the residence halls. 

  • If unauthorized pets are found, the Residence Life Coordinator will meet with the student and create a timeline for the student to remove the pet. 

  • If that timeline (created by the student and Residence Life Coordinator) is not met, the student will meet with the Assistant Dean of Residence Life and Student Conduct, and another timeline will be created for the student to remove their pet. 

  • If the second timeline for pet removal is not met, the student’s participation in Room Selection for the upcoming academic year will be affected (i.e. the student will lose their Room Selection number and will choose a room at the end of their class). Additionally, the College will partner with Poweshiek Animal League Shelter (PALS) – and, if necessary, the Grinnell Police Department – to remove the pet from College housing in order to find the pet a new home. 

  • Please note that any requests to live off-campus due to pet ownership will not be granted. 

Proper Care of Pets & Cages/Containers: Apart from fish, animals should be fully enclosed in six-sided metal, glass, or wood cages according to the following minimum guidelines: 

  • each cage has a locking device; 

  • cages with solid sides also have at least four-square inches of ventilation space covered in screening; 

  • hinged top cages have top weights ten times the animal’s weight or locks every 20 inches opposite the hinged side;  

  • the openings on all other cages must have locks for every 20 inches of door. 

Complaints: Any College community member may file a complaint about unauthorized pets in the residence halls, about pets that are causing a disturbance or being abused on campus. Complaints should be filed with the Assistant Dean of Residence Life and Student Conduct. 

Academic Breaks: It is recommended that pets not remain on campus during academic breaks when their owners are not here.  During Fall, Winter, and Spring Breaks, students must provide proof to their Residence Life Coordinator that their pets will be taken care of during breaks (a friend will care for the pet, pet will be at a shelter, etc).  Failure to follow these guidelines may lead to removal of the pet from campus.  Pets cannot remain in the residence halls upon check-out.  

Removal of Pets from Campus: If Residence Life is notified of any mistreatment or negligence, receives a complaint, or if conditions outlined in this policy are violated, pets may be removed from campus. Any cost incurred to remove the pet will be charged to the pet owner. 

Author: Residence Life


  • to clearly outline the pets allowed in College-owned residence halls and houses;
  • to minimize animal allergens or noise in on-campus residences;
  • to protect the safety and welfare of animals/pets.

Emotional Support and Service Animal

Grinnell College is committed to supporting the needs of individuals with disabilities who may require a Service Animal, Service Animal in training, or Emotional Support Animal in order to have full and equitable access to the Grinnell College campus environment and experience. Service and Emotional Support Animals can play an important role in facilitating the independence of an individual or mitigating functional impacts of certain types of disabilities. Because Grinnell College values the safety, health, and well-being of students, faculty, staff, visitors, and the Service or Emotional Support Animal, these guidelines will be considered when considering a Service or Emotional Support Animal access to areas of campus where animals that serve as pets only, would not typically be permitted.

Note: an updated version of policy and guideline documents for Service Animals on campus and Animals as Accommodations in Campus Housing are currently under review. 

Author: Disability Resources


  • to clearly outline the requirements for animals as an accommodation in College-owned residence halls and houses;
  • to meet the needs of individuals with disabilities;
  • to protect the safety and welfare of animals

Quiet/Courtesy Hours

The designated Quiet Hours are: 

10pm –10am (Sunday – Thursday) 

2am-10am (Friday and Saturday) 

Excessive noise infringes on a student’s right to study, sleep, or reside in peace. Failure to cooperate with the quiet/courtesy hours policy may result in student conduct action. Official quiet hours and penalties for violation are determined through a hall or floor majority vote. When quiet hours are not in effect, courtesy hours remain in place. 

Designated Quiet Halls shall observe quiet hours at all times. 

Author: Residence Life


  • to support students in governing their own residential community by allowing flexibility and autonomy in establishing quiet/courtesy hours;
  • to ensure a respectful living environment.

Residency Policy

All students are required to room in college residences and to board with college dining. Exceptions to this policy are granted to students who: are 24 years of age or older by September 1; have a child(ren) who lives with them; live with their families residing in the Grinnell area; are legally married (or legally partnered in a civil union) by the start of the fall semester; and/or are among a limited number of seniors and third-year students who request to live off campus and have been granted permission by Residence Life.  The number of students released from the housing requirement is determined by housing occupancy. 

Permission to live in non-college housing must be obtained from Residence Life each academic year. Students should not sign a lease until permission to live in non-college housing has been obtained. Students who move out of the residence halls without written permission from Residence Life are held financially responsible for room and board. 

The ability of students to live in college-owned properties is predicated on the expectation that students are engaged in the academic experience, which includes regularly attending classes. Students who have stopped attending classes may be at risk of removal from their campus residence. 

Author: Residence Life


  • to create an intentional residential learning environment;
  • to inform students of their eligibility to live off campus.

Student Rights and Responsibilities in Residence Halls and College-Owned Housing

Grinnell College students are guaranteed certain rights by the College. With rights, come responsibilities.

Student Rights

The following student rights are recognized by the College and help guarantee equal and fair procedural practices by the College student conduct system in response to complaints of student rights violations. 

The Use of Residence Hall Rooms

  • Each resident has the right to use the room assigned to them by Residence Life for studying or sleeping at any time during the academic year while the halls are open. 

  • Each student is entitled to a reasonably quiet atmosphere for academic success and peace of mind. When necessary, official quiet hours and penalties for violation are determined through a hall or floor majority vote. Even when quiet hours are not in effect, courtesy hours remain in place. Enforcement is largely the responsibility of each student. A student who is impacted by the violation of quiet or courtesy hours should inform the individual causing the problem. If the problem continues, the student should consult the House Coordinator, Community Advisor, or Residence Life Coordinator. Judicial Council may hear cases involving the violation of mediated agreements. 

  • Provided that the rights of roommate(s) and/or hallmates to study or sleep are not violated, students may use their rooms for social or recreational purposes. 

  • Each resident has the right of assigned occupancy. Students cannot exert pressure on roommate(s) to move. Students who exert pressure on a particular student to seek a new room assignment may be reassigned to another room by the Assistant Dean of Residence Life and Student Conduct. The College reserves the right to make essential changes in room assignments at any time during the academic year. 

  • Each resident has the right to request that no person other than those assigned by Residence Life take up residence in their room. 

  • Each resident has the right to expect general cooperation from their roommate(s) regarding the use of the room for recreational and social purposes. 

  • Each resident, in cooperation with their roommate, has the right to visitation by guests of any gender in the room, in accordance with the procedures stipulated in this Student Handbook. 

  • Room guests are not allowed to stay in College-owned housing for more than eight days total and three consecutive days per semester and need to have the permission of the roommate before the guest can stay. 

  • Students living in rooms with vacancies should expect that the vacancy will be filled. Staff from Residence Life reserve the right to assign students to any open spaces in the residence halls and houses at any time during the semester or College break periods.

Privacy of Student Rooms 

Each resident has the right of privacy within their own room. But, under certain circumstances, the right to privacy is waived. 

Exceptions To Privacy

  • Grinnell College is required to follow all state, federal, and local laws. Adhering to these laws may supersede a student’s right to privacy in their room. 

  • When College staff reasonably fear harm to life, safety, health, or property, entrance to and/or an administrative search of a student’s room may be conducted by College staff (e.g., Campus Safety, Student Affairs dean on-call, RLC on-call, Facilities Management) without notice. 

  • During break periods, College staff has the right, without advance notice, to enter a student’s room for routine maintenance and inspection. 

  • When College staff have entered a student’s room and find items that violate state, federal, or local laws, the items (including but not limited to firearms, fireworks, weapons, explosives, drug paraphernalia, illegal drugs, etc.) will be confiscated by the Grinnell Police Department. Campus conduct and/or civil charges may be filed by College officials. Similarly, Grinnell Police Department officers, depending on the facts and circumstances, may file criminal charges against a student who possesses the above-mentioned items. 

  • When there are sufficient grounds* to believe that a theft of personal, College, or organizational property has occurred, the injured party or representatives–in the case of College or organizational–in lieu of contacting the civil authorities, may access the student’s room, locker, or automobile with prior notice. 

*Sufficient grounds exist when, in a signed and dated statement, it is shown that: The signer saw in another person’s room,  an item of identical description to that was stolen and had strong reason to believe that it either wasn’t there before the theft or that the item stolen was unique. Or the signer saw a person carrying an item of identical description at about the same time the theft purportedly took place. The search may be of a third party’s room only if the signer saw the alleged thief taking the item into another room. Or the signer saw a person, in the immediate vicinity where the theft took place, carrying a wrapped or covered item of the same size and bulk as that of the stolen property. The search may be of a third party’s room only if the signer saw the alleged thief taking the item into another room. Or there is other evidence submitted by the signer(s) that, in the eyes of the Judicial Council members, is equally as strong as those cited above. 

Author: Residence Life


  • to inform students of their rights and responsibilities in the residential environment;
  • to delineate students’ right to privacy and associated exceptions

Student Housing Responsibilities

Individual Room Responsibilities

  • Each student is responsible for the cleanliness and upkeep of their own room and the college furnishings that belong in the room. 

  • Each student is responsible for their actions in their assigned room. Also, by extension of the Guest Policy, students are responsible for their guests’ actions and/or other students in their rooms. Residents who are present in their own room when policy or laws are being violated by roommates or guests, or knowingly allow such activities to occur, may be held implicitly responsible even if not participating in said behaviors. 

  1. Each student who lives in College-owned residences is assigned to a clean, inventoried room, with furniture arranged in an orderly manner. Each room is equipped with a study desk and chair, chest of drawers, or combination desk and chest, mirror, bed with innerspring mattress (36” by 81”), and mattress cover. The floors are made of either wood, linoleum, or tile. Rugs or carpeting and additional small furniture items may be used in the student room. Each window in student rooms is equipped with draperies hung from traverse rods. When moving from the room, the student should leave the room in the same condition in which the student received the room. Students not leaving a clean and orderly room with all inventoried furniture will be billed/charged/fined accordingly. 
  2. Report damage to the room and/or furnishings to the RLC or student staff immediately.
  3. Limitations placed on the room:
  • Wall decorations - Pictures, posters, and other decorations may be mounted on the walls with tape, push pins, or removable hooks (such as Command brand hooks).  Any significant holes or peeled paint visible after decorations are removed may result in a charge for repainting the room at the end of the academic year. Decorations may not cover windows or obstruct any other fire safety access point. 

Alcohol and Other Drugs (See Campus Life Policies for additional information and rational) 

  • Non-prescribed, unauthorized drugs are prohibited on campus. 

  • Alcohol found in rooms where all occupants are under 21, regardless of substance status, will be confiscated. The residents responsible will be referred to BASICS or the student conduct process. 

  • Alcohol found on persons or in residence hall spaces of students residing in substance-free spaces is prohibited. If students are found responsible for having alcohol or drugs in substance free spaces students may be relocated per the discretion of Residence Life.  

  • Regardless of substance free spaces or not, the display of alcohol bottles, advertising, or signage in windows or viewable in or from public spaces is not permitted 

Rooms, Buildings and Floor Deco

  • Students may not paint their own rooms or common areas of the residence halls or houses. Students who paint their rooms will be charged a minimum $100 fine plus labor and materials costs. 

  • Students are permitted to create and paint murals in the project houses. To start the mural creation and painting process, the Project House Coordinator must submit a design to Residence Life via the Assistant Dean of Residence Life and Student Conduct. 

  • Students may not move College furnishings from one student room to another, or from lounges, recreation areas, and dining halls, without permission from the Assistant Dean of Residence Life and Student Conduct. College-owned furniture may not be taken to sun decks, loggias, porches, or any outside areas. 

  • Stacking of furniture, except beds, is not permissible. Students are encouraged to use beds in assembled condition. College owned furniture will not be and is not allowed to be removed from rooms. 

  • The College owns a limited number of bed lofts, which are installed on a first-come, first-served basis.  Information on bed lofting is emailed in the summer.  Students may not bring their own lofts purchased elsewhere. 

  • Electrical appliances that are not permitted in the residence halls include but are not limited to: electric blankets, cooking and heating equipment, heat lamps, halogen lamps, kegerators, deep freezers, evaporative coolers, space heaters (with the exception of those provided by Facilities Management in heating emergencies), and window air conditioners. If these items are found, the College reserves the right to confiscate them due to electrical and fire safety concerns.  Standard household microwaves under 1000 watts are permitted, and small refrigerators under 4.6 cubic feet are also permitted. 

  • Students needing air conditioning for a medical accommodation must submit documentation of said medical condition through Disability Resources.  If approved, the student will be pre-placed in an air-conditioned residence hall or have one installed in their residence hall room by Facilities Management).  If a student is approved for air conditioning after the deadline has passed, space in an air-conditioned residence hall cannot be guaranteed. Students are not permitted to purchase their own stand-alone air-conditioning unit. Facilities Management will purchase and install the unit.  If an unapproved air-conditioning unit is discovered, Facilities Management will remove the air conditioner and the student will be billed $50. 

  • Permission to install radio aerials must be obtained from the Director of Facilities Management. 

Floor/Hall/House Responsibilities of Each Student

The floor, hall, and house members are collectively responsible for the cleanliness and upkeep of the common areas. Common areas are those areas generally accessed by the residents of a floor, hall, or house, such as kitchens, living rooms, bathrooms, hallways, etc. 

  • Common areas are clean and orderly when students arrive on campus. Students are responsible for leaving common areas in their original clean and orderly condition after each use. 
  • Report damages to common areas and furnishings to the Residence Life Coordinator. 

  • Stairwells and hallways must always remain open and clear. No personal items (or College-owned furniture) may be placed in the hallways, stairway, or other common areas. 

  • Individuals identified/responsible for violating these expectations will be billed for damages, charges and fines. Other residents are released of community damage charges when individuals take responsibility for their actions. Depending on the common area, charges and appropriate fines are divided equally among the members listed officially for the floor, hall, or house. 
  • The Assistant Dean of Residence Life and Student Conduct may directly charge the students even when they deny responsibility for damages. Depending on the circumstances, the incident may be taken to Judicial Council. 

  • Electrical appliances may be used in kitchenettes within reason, but appliances must be unplugged after each use. 

  • With the exception of chalk boards and dry erase boards, College property is not an appropriate medium for drawing, painting, or writing and will be considered vandalism. 

Waste Reduction

Residence Hall Recycling

Each residence hall has blue containers for all recyclable materials, which can be intermingled due to “single-stream” recycling.  Recycling guidelines are clearly posted in recycling areas to help avoid contamination. Recycling areas are not “trash” or “donation” areas. 

Personal Belongings

Grinnell College is committed to providing a sustainable move-in and move-out process. Students are responsible for what they bring to campus and what they acquire throughout the year. Be aware when items are purchased that students are responsible for dealing with the items at the end of the year. It is imperative to consider alternatives to simply throwing away items that are not taken home. This could include taking items to Second Mile in Grinnell, or second-hand shops; recycling; or simply not buying the item in the first place. 

Grinnell College is not responsible or liable for any lost or stolen personal belongings of students, especially items left in lounges or other public areas within or outside of the residence halls/houses.